Anyone know why I can not put the game dev tycoon in Beta - Beta?

anyone know why I can not put the game dev tycoon in Beta - Beta?

Wait, what does Beta-Beta mean?

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Dont put Game Dev Tycoon in Beta. Mods work without it.


so why can not I install the mod cheat?

How does your mod folder look?


Can you post a snapshot of your mods folder?


Copy and paste from http

This is what you have to do:

  • Remove the “-master” from the end of all the folders

Simple. Should work.


Just right click on the file and click rename and remove the -master that way

I’m not finding it, send pictures or video explaining what you meant.

Do you know how to change a name on a folder?

yes, but I do not know which folder

it says right here, its in the mod folder

and where is this folder?

do you have stean version of gdt


You ask where to find the mod folders when you even gave a picture of it…