Any issues after forum update?

Hello everybody,
last night (CET) the Greenheart Games forum was updated to the newest version. A few settings and configurations where changed (mostly on the server in the background), so I wanted to know from you guys if you are experiencing any issues since the upgrade. Does anything behave differently than you are used to? Is the performance worse/better/same?
Any feedback is highly appreciated!

Thank you,


This topic is now pinned. It will appear at the top of its category until it is either unpinned by a moderator, or the Clear Pin button is pressed.

Found that the picture at the top was missing but thats fixed now

Thanks for your report!
It was just a small oversight on my end :wink:

Is it just me or is everything brighter? :wink:

That’s just my positive aura!

JK :wink: I don’t think the colours were changed.


Haha lol! Of course. How could I forget your positive aura? Might just be my laptop having a bright day. :stuck_out_tongue:

What update :O?
Except those interface changes

We updated to the latest Discourse version and changed a few things around behind the scenes.

So, Nothing really big for normal users.

And, no 0 issues.

To find out if anything changed for “normal users” was kind of the point of this topic :wink:

If you can’t see any major differences or decrease of service I did my job well!

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Well, when people reply to me and I click the notification, it’s listing is slightly bluer.

Is That an issue?


Aaah! Everything is so bright no- oh wait i forgot to turn down my brightness.

heheh. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, but i don’t think there’s any problems for me, except for the notifications being BLUE. :]