Any game that's like Game Dev Tycoon?

Does this guy mean ‘programming team’ or ‘pro-gaming team’?

The latter. Its about being a gamer. Not a game programmer

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Alright, thanks. That confused me for a second.

well, there goes my wallet

Oh yeah right im so stupid sorry :smiley: , but that is a good game if they update more :blush:

You’re not stupid, it just looks like GDT. I think some of the Gameplay aspects are the same, but with different style.

Well gb3 is very much indepth game

Sorry… What is GB3 ?

GameBiz 3. Never really tried any of the games meself but I’ve only heard moderately good things about it.

Oh Ok I will try it . Thx BTW

GB2 is free try that then go to GB3 it is worth more then it costs





Don’t buy it then