Announcement: Silk Mod Maker

Yes so we can make OP games

(apple cant make a user interface)

You are totally right! There is more


Always get less

I pick 7 shot

Continuing the discussion from Announcement: Silk Mod Maker:


pls don’t double post

@Andree_Gunderson Nice to see some enthusiasm around here! :smiley:


Back on my desktop, looking hella fine :sunglasses:


you created a topic creator? amazing!

Did you play Life is Strange?



obviously, @Lukas_Schuurman is the backbone of off-topicness

watch out, @Lukas_Schuurman may smack you for being off topic!

hypocrisy, you say? i’ve never heard of such a thing!

is it b?
also, lets go on-topic

ok yes it was b very rude

soo yes on topic

I’m looking forward to this mod maker immensely, however I fear that it’d lower the barrier to entry and that it would open the floodgates for mediocre topic mods that don’t add much else to the game coughs TopicPlus coughs and then the modding scene would become even worse cause there’d just be a load of copycat mods.

if there weren’t small topic mods before, there wouldn’t be now.

There would in my opinion, as even though the topics are easy to make in js, the unfriendly nature of doing so is enough to deter a lot of people. Having a tool to do it for them is eliminating that one thing, and while that’s good for letting people make new things, it’ll also inevitably bring a lot of derivatives devoid of original ideas.

as long as there are no id conflicts…
…no problems, okay?

ok, just saying this could make or break the modding community for this game

Lets say it would make because UME got shredded and shredded

@CrumpDev i wouldn’t say make, but more like rejuvenate

Brain freeze how is it going on the mod maker

Also are you dead

probably not dead


the skeleton army got em

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I’m sorry, but this is one of the most immature communities I’ve been involved with and I wont continue developing on this. The reason I wont distribute the source code isn’t because I’m mean, but the fact that there are severe issues with the code which will make any aspiring programmer learn inefficient code which is never a good thing.


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Huh, that’s a shame. Was looking forward to this, it seemed interesting.