An Epic Story(written by me)

Once upon a time, there was a :one: :four: year old youtuber called Today , that was recording a video.
With his beloved
However, he stumbled upon something wierd. The video was and the was
So Today decide to tell this to his friend, the one that appeared in his video. He was like “oh mah gawd”.
Today than decides to ask the “What to d-”
Wait, did i mix my story with real-life? Oh well.

So, what should I do?

Upload it…

What, are you insane bruh?
I will have to be awake for 11389 minutes.
which is 7.909027777777778 days.
I’m gonna be awake the entire week! Literally

Bruhh how does it take a 20 minute vid that long to upload

also friggin reply to my comment not your post,

Size: 57.8GB
Length: 00:23:05

And this, Is why we don’t use FRAPS :stuck_out_tongue:

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There’s a reason Fraps is no longer used. Try Simple Screen Recorder :slight_smile:

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It’s not the file length that matters, it’s the size.
So a file that is nearly 58GB in size would take a hell of a long time to upload

meh i uploaded a 2 hour vid with more gigs than that… in less than a day
#so i am :cool:

Compress it?
Cut it to make it shorter?

Depends on your upload speed though :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont understand I’m clueless

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Hi clueless, I’m Jediwolf

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Jacksfilms :smiley:

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i have no idea what this topic is even about

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And you have revealed your secret identity.

Your welcome.

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well i just meant it as a joke who would name their kid clueless?! lol

fraps doesnt compress the videos during recording, say goodbye to your hard drive while using it

To answer your question:

The AnswerYou should use categories for your threads

Also does [spoiler] not work anymore or am I using the wrong syntax?