Addition to "Game History"

I feel that it would be a useful feature to be able to review previous decisions made in any of your games. You would be able to access this through the “Game History” menu, adding possibly a new button for each of your games titled “Review” or whatever is more suitable. What this option would allow you to do is look back at how much time allotment you applied on each stage of the development process as well as the options you selected from your game engine’s additional features. For a medium game and up, it should also show you who you devoted to each slider. As an added bonus, for a players curiosity, the amount of “Tech” and “Design” bubbles given from each coder should be stated, showing who offered the most to that game.

I have not gotten far enough into the game to develop anything above a “Medium” sized game, so I may be leaving out some additional options from this suggestion, but the idea would still be the same.

Hopefully this suggestion was simple enough to understand and could possibly see its way into the final copy of the game. Any additions to said suggestion or changes are welcomed.


Right! So upon reviewing the patch notes for v1.4.0, I saw the addition of “Game reports”, which hopefully will be similar or at least contain some or all elements of what I just suggested.

I would love this addition. If the 1.4 patch does this it will be cool!