Accurate Mod Guys?

First off, sorry if the Title Dosn’t makes sense. :stuck_out_tongue:
So, is there any some sort of a mod that can Accurately ( by i mean Lock-on ) Your Decisions. Heres one example.

I know it Ruins the fun, but makes it easier to get more good reviews, etc.

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Whipped something up really quick, but this should work. It doesn’t “lock-on,” but the visualization should be good enough.

Slider Display Download
Slider Display Steam Download

The way I did it was kinda messy and quick, but If it’s really a problem, then I will fix it.

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So its pretty much impossible to make it a ‘Lock-on’?
If so, sigh, i may live with it.
But anyways, thanks for trying. its a good mod :smiley:

It’s certainly possible, I’m just lazy. I’ll get around to it.

Aye I feel ya.
just please, as a favor. :smiley:
Reply me back once you implement the Lock - On