A simple suggestion to fix a small gripe

The only thing that I can find fault with this wonderfully fun game is how short games go off the market. When you develop a game that is still number 2 after the weeks have gone by, why would you pull it off the market? You wouldn’t. I’d like to humbly request you put something in place that prolongs hit games on the market. Maybe after it drops to 50 or something. Other than that, no complaints. I do have some other suggestions but I’ll save that for later.

It is varied, games that don’t sell well are taken off the market much quicker (More like week 6-7) then games that are great hits that will be taken off the market after 9 weeks or so.

Even after 9 weeks, if your game is still sitting at the number two position, it simply shouldn’t be pulled off the market. It makes no sense.

Yeah true that because you can always rack up more sales.

This has been reported before. See this thread here: Game going off market at appropriate time

I agree that it’s very odd that games can go off the market while they’re highly ranked. I wouldn’t expect them to go down to rank 50, that’s way too far (the secondhand market would take over before that point), but I would expect a hit game to continue selling at least until it hits rank 15, even if the profit for the studio has dwindled terribly by then.