hello the players , today i have a idea for the game . it’s add a popular console the 3ds .
what is the 3ds ?
the 3ds is a console like the ds but with new option . their is streetpass and 3 effect . that add too mii character and mini games .
so why add that like a new console in this game ?
because the 3d effect is new for the console ds and the game devolloped for the 3 ds are not compatible with the ds but he can support game from the ds . today there is more game develloped in 3ds than the ds .
a description for the console in the game ?
"ninvento has annonced they working on the seqel of the gs .
this console is the 3gs and it would have 3d effect , new communication with the 3gs . this concole can support gs game but games devlopped for 3gs can’t support the gs .
it would be a successful for the fan of nivento .
so this is my suggestion and i hope you are agree with this new console in the game .
good day