I’ve been playing this game and am pretty proud of how far I’ve come. However, I have some suggestions that should improve the way new players adapt:
A statistics screen that shows exactly why your game was rated as it was. While later on you can start to understand this more, even then it can be frustrating when you put a quarter billion dollars into a AAA game, think you’ve made it perfect to the last detail, and receive 6 star ratings on it. For newer players, it’d be an invaluable resource for improvement.
Several MMO changes. The first of which would be that after the community hits a certain size, MMO growth slows tremendously. However, subscription costs could be manually adjusted so that if you have a 300 million player MMO, you don’t just have to toss it out and could continue making profit as long as expansions came out. While these first two suggestions would lead to a technically similar appearance of MMOs, it would be a whole lot more accurate when compared to regular game sales. After you decide your MMO is done for, you should also be able to sell it off rather than entirely scrap it. I’m sure some companies would be interested in buying a giant game with a massive community.
When it comes time for vacations, often you’re caught in the middle of a huge project and can’t afford to screw it up. While it’s understandable that you’d want people to plan this out, with AAA titles they can take almost a full year, and sometimes over, on their own. (I developed an expansion for my AAA MMO that started directly after one vacation and finished with the workers morale at 75%). So I propose that you could offer workers bonuses that would in turn postpone their vacation for however long you choose. The longer they go without a vacation, the more expensive these would get, because everyone needs a break.
Allow further work into the custom consoles! It would be awesome if we could make our own mobile devices, and have a choice in what topics we want optimized for our consoles (Obviously this would be very pricey to do, and would get more costly with each additional topic)
I’ve really wrote a block of text here Didn’t mean to let it get this long, but I absolutely love this game and would love to see it improved and spread to more people!