49% on 3d V6 engine?

why is that during development, i noticed that when come to a stage where it developed the 3d engine,
is showed only 49%? i tried to play with the sliders, and no matter what i did it still was 49%?
(im taking about like as if im “overdoing” spacial editions for the games)

I think maybe you need to train your staff.
It may be that whoever is assigned to graphics, is just not good enough to utilize the new 3D engine fully.

Yeah, I’m guessing here, but I really don’t see any other explanation, except if it’s a bug.

Each type of game can utilize so much “time”. Small games are quick, and you can only fit a bit into them. AAA Games can fit a crapton in them because they take so long. If you use, say 3D V6 on a medium sized game, you’ll have to pretty much minimize all other sliders (World design, AI) to get it done “in time”. Also, the person % (NOT utilization %) Is the one based on how skilled the person performing the task is; if the person is Level 10 vs lvl 2 then the same amount of time where they are specifically focused will only use up 25% of their skill VS putting them at 155%. That’s for Good Management bonuses if none of them ever go above 100% during a game’s development.

This actually helps the question I had with graphics, so if I understand, I’m using too much technology (3d V4) for a medium sized game, and I need to step it up and figure out how to unlock large games. thanks for the reply.

it cant be right, my stuff management is good, no over work there.
im doing large games so there should be enough time.
and im not picking any other spacial additions except the 3d engine at the third stage.
i moved the engine bar all the way up and tried also the graphic bar but with same results.
about stuff training, i have 3 specialists! how can it be then?

3D V6/V7 is pretty much exclusive to AAA games. Otherwise there’s not enough time dedicated to graphics, regardless of the slider settings.

In case you need a bit of help, just get $16m and 4 hired staff (full table) to move on to the next office, if you already upgraded your computers. Then it’s really just a matter of skill and if you have 3DV4/5 or 2D V4/5.