14 hours in, 151 quadrillion made... I think I broke the game

I think I found out how to break the game and I am now making near unlimited money without cheating… o.e Here are two screen caps 30 minutes apart.

(Since the forum doesn’t want to play nice with me you have to copy the imgur link and past it in your address bar. Sorry ^^;:wink:



First picture is 4.494 quadrillion and the second is when I am at 151 quadrillion. All I have to do is do a large booth at G3 and every couple of years apply a patch and my money just keeps going up.

I am current at 1 quadrillion in maintenance costs for my top MMO but it quickly balances out and gains a profit each year.

100 people have already said that MMOs are broken. We know it.

As Rosebud has said many people have reported this issue. Please use the search function to make sure you are not creating duplicate threads.