115 year auto bankcruptcy?

Hey thanks for an awesome game, my question is i had a company reach 115 years and once it turns over to 116 years i get game over it auto puts me into -2M and the bank cant help me get get out of the red.

will it always do that?

hoping to see more added to this game at some point :slight_smile:

thanks in advance for any replys.

Why are you playing that long. Just do new save file???

well, i like to have a kind of endless play XD


just wondered if this happened to anyone else when they tried going for ages.

is it part of the game to kill you off after 115 yrs tho?

Probably considering the game gets boring and op after to long… It’s more impressive to sell 1 mil. copies on the gameling than it is on a custom console in year 100.

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yeah i see how OP it gets after about 100 years, i stay in the basement for 25yrs, then another 25yrs in the 1st office, then another 25yrs in the 2nd office before upgrading the Tech lab and the R&D lab, then rest making consoles & and MMO’s, Was stuck on the game for weeks after buying it.

Cheers for the reply anyway :slight_smile:

Yeah sorry I’m just always more interested in the early game more and so when I got used to starting new games I made strategies and stuff so that I could make consoles and etc. at about what in game would be 2010 or 2012.

Saves played beyond the end of the game are not supported. Simply put, anything can happen as the game is not, and will not be officially tested beyond the specified end.

To be honest, I suspect that the reason you automatically go bankrupt is a result of a variable reaching its max value and rolling round to its minimum, although I can’t be sure.

Wait… You only have 33M in the aftergame of the game?

yh XD i keep making games non stop i used the tiem after the gam ended to find out all the hints and that.