[0.1] [Tools] Beam Mod Maker

Liam? Who’s Liam?

I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you

“Good luck”

Hangs up, cries

“He didn’t even believe me!”

I mean
#####im just gonna
k bye

I mean, I just met you.
Oka - a - a - y
I’m just gonna, call you maybe.
No, please don’t go!
Oh, k byeee.

Guess what just got done? YO MAAM!

cough cough

Topic exporting :smiley: There’s only one thing I need to fix with the exporter at the moment, until it actually works for creating simple mods! Woohoo! You can see the commit in the Gitlab repository.

That’s it! Exporting topics is now DONE and you can now make simple mods with Beam! What an exciting time to be alive. If you want to use it, just compile it from the repository.

cmake . make ./beam

Coding is required?

There is a video showing how the mod maker works, why would coding be required?

no you don’t need to code
where did you read that
oh almighty programmer @Stian, what am I supposed to do with

type it into the terminal?

sorry, the video was confusing

How was the video confusing? I showed the bloody mod maker, and there was no coding in it lol

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What else would you do? Eat it?

oh, thanks
almighty professional :wink: programmer @Stian

You don’t need to be a programmer to use bash :stuck_out_tongue:

okay :frowning:
but you are professional :wink:
also it doesn’t work help

You do need the programs you are trying to run… Because, you’re trying to run them.

where am I supposed to get them
and what do I need
edit: the command prompt tells me cmake doesn’t exist

When you’re trying to run cmake, you need cmake. When you’re trying to run make, you need GNU Make.