[Win] Game doesn't load - white screen

I’ve just updated to 1.39 which was meant to fix the white screen problem… AND GUESS WHAT! It doesn’t work. I’ve had this game for over a week and I have still yet to play the game. Méprisable

Nobody ever said 1.39 would fix the while screen issue, somebody asked, but patrick said that it wouldn’t as he can’t reproduce it.

When you say you are running as an administrator, did you mean your account is an admin account or you did the right click “Run as Administrator” on the exe. This issue does sound very much like the issue is to do with rights to the temporary directory…

Really the program would be better off extracting to c:\programdata\Game Dev Tycoon when running on Vista or above, this will get around any windows access rights problems which come from modifying files in program files, temp folders etc.

Well I’m sorry that my information wasn’t authentic. But i’m sure that the main priority should be to get the game with the immobile loading screen operational so that everyone can play. Thus one can understand the frustration after paying for a game and a week later sill not being able to amuse oneself.

we aim to provide a new build to those affected by this issue by tomorrow. I can’t promise that this new build will work (as I’ve said, we cannot reproduce the issue so) but it will be a next step and internal testing at least confirms that the new build runs faster.

i cant figure it out either…my buddy plays it all the time… but it will not load on my laptop just sits here on the white screen…

the only apps on my laptop is steam, skype and origin could there be interference from them?

yes it is up to date with 6gb of ram

also everything is up to date and i am running on 5 gb of ram

I don’t think large amounts of ram matters. Im using 6gb and have no issues. It does sound like a temp directory permissions issue as it seems like it’s trying to load but cant due to denied access.

OK so I’ve just finished completely formatting my SSD and reinstalling Windows 7 Home Premium x64 on it, disconnecting all my other drives, installing the new 1.3.9 version of Game Dev Tycoon and I still get the white screen showing up. It surely can’t be software interfering with it.

have you tried disabling UAC, rebooting then running it again?

could you check the eventviewer shows any issue, mainly if something is missing to play game correctly a clean install will not solve the issue :slight_smile: “C:\Windows\system32/eventvwr.exe” then check if there is any error message when starting game. Just a guess.

@refraction: AC just controls prompts popping up saying things are accessing files, disabling it won’t make a difference.

@Paternoster: This is what my Event Viewer is saying:

I think I should be worried about the Critical and Error events but I don’t know what they mean. No events changed from before I opened Game Dev Tycoon to after the white screen appeared and I closed it. So nothing changed in the Event Viewer during that process.

go on custom views. there is a summary shown - with time and what error it has. mainly they have inline help else there are big providers of search engines who can assist :slight_smile:

should look like this, btw this error message is correct ^^ have no CD-Rom attached to my machine :slight_smile:

This is what the Event Viewer is showing now:

I followed the same processes as last time and no events were created between the time of launching the game, getting the white screen, waiting about 5 minutes and closing it.

got something like this installed? Intel Management and Security Status (IMSS)
some aditional driver for your mainboard for business solutions?
would be nice to see the “details tab” aswell

update: mainly all your errors lead into some network security, connection issues . by checking the event Ids: could be helpfull when exactly the game tries to tell the server that it is started :109:

Youd be suprised the difference in rights you get between UAC on and off, ive seen Windows 7 and 8 do some scary stuff with it enabled.

Here is the details tab for that event:

I’ve used some corrections for event IDs 7000 and 7001 but still can’t access Game Dev Tycoon. I’ll be making various adjustments to my PC tomorrow and I’ll post back here with my findings, thanks for your help.

mainly i belive you installed one part of your mainboard drivers what is supposed for what ever,

and it needs to be deinstalled, it has access to your startup of pc access to serval parts of processes and controls some internet trafic. check within the “programs” if you can find something called like IMSS or any unneeded intel additional driver.

I slightly remember i made the same mistake with my last intel board :smile: