Will your next games support modding?

Will the next game contain some form of modding?


Yes please, it should. Javascript all the way.

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Yes, to a degree. GDT, as most simulation games, is a great fit for modding and we certainly plan to support modding in future games like that. We are also experimenting with other genres and not every game has the same modding potential but we certainly see our technology choice (HTML/JS) as a strength as it allows to add modding support with relative ease.


If you need any testers, tell me. I hope your second game will amaze me more, which I will definitely buy.
I only hope it will be a Tycoon or a Simulator, not an FPS, but whatever, I will buy it anyway :smiley:


will be a while before we can start testing but we rather take a little time and deliver something worthwhile than rush something out the door :wink:


Take your time, guys. You also deserve some vacations. Take vacations first.

Me too. I love your games and I have a ton of money on my hands that I don’t know what to do with.

I’m looking forward to your next game! You seem like the kind of people to make the new ‘Minecraft’! (original and inspiring)


Actually I dont have any money