@SirEverard - Modding came out of beta a few weeks ago so it is not necessary to enable that.
@Racso - Just to confirm you are using the Steam version? and that you are connected to the internet so Steam has updated the game? I would suggest a reinstall of Game Dev Tycoon. Here is a video walkthrough;
Also which OS are you using? WIndows, Mac or Linux?
Thanks for the response. I use the steam version on mac, and yeah, I am connected to the internet, but I haven’t got anything about any updating yet. (I think.) So, I will try to reinstall the game and hopefully, that will work. Or else I have to come bak here.
I’m very confused, on how to make my own mod. I get, that I need to know HTML, CSS, and JS. But, how do I start modding. There’s a modAPI, in the mods folder. I assume, that’s how I start. However, I can’t open it. Do I need to download a program, or can I use a simple program, like Notepad?
Hey @icuparg4 - In exactly the same way with the exception of navigating to a different address.
For Windows based OS the address should be C:\Program Files (x86)\Game Dev Tycoon\mods if you installed to the default location.
@Natolikin I have moved your post to its own topic