[Linux] Linux .deb Install Problem

I’m trying to Install on Ubuntu 13.04 x64 using the .deb Installer.

Everything seems to Install, but when the progress bar in Ubuntu Software Centre gets to 100% Software Centre thinks that its not Installed and just displays the Install button.

Is there a way to Install on Ubuntu 13.04 x64 that doesn’t include having to deal with the dependancies & building from Source myself?


You should be able to just decompress the tar.gz version and run it.

I wanted something a little more neater than having my Home folder having games in, and being able to run from the Unity Dock instead of having to go to my home folder, but if that’s the only way to run the game I’ll have to do it that way, but I don’t see the point in having the .deb available if it won’t install from it.


I tried extracting the .tar.gz and running it from that & it won’t even run.


Hmm… maybe you have to install node-webkit. We use version 0.4.2 which you can get from this page:

I’m able to just run the app then (on Ubuntu 12). Maybe someone else could help out too.

Btw. do you get any error message in the Software Center? Any clue at all what might be wrong?

I’m able to use the .deb file without issues. I’m not sure what might be the issue in your case. I will see if I can find any info or clues…

I’ll try downloading node-webkit and see if that works.

I’ve got some screenshots of the Software Centre Install, but there is no errors. Maybe installing node-webkit then trying the .deb Installer will work.


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In 13.04, I had to install ia32-libs, and a custom udev package from this thread: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=226002

I also installed a couple other packages before ia32-libs, but I think some of them are unneeded. In any case, they were: libudev1:i386, libgconf2-4:i386, libnss3:i386 and libgtk2.0-0:i386. That should get the game running, but I’ve also experienced gameplay bugs. They might be unrelated though :wink:

there are some more issues on 13.04 it seems:


I wonder if this is all related since our game relies on chromium to work. Will try to get ubuntu 13.04 to test.

Just out of curiosity, what Linux installers are available? Is it DEB only, or are RPM and tar.gz supported for other distros?

.deb, .rpm and .tar.gz

I tested on Ubuntu and Fedora.

@EvoGamer it’s .deb for Debian based Distros e.g Debian, Ubuntu, Kbuntu & .rpm for Red Hat based Distros e.g OpenSuse & Fedora, the .tar.gz is mostly for Distros that don’t use one of the other packaging systems like Gentoo, but you can just unpackage it and run it like that.


Yes, @Roland, I know what the various package management systems are. I merely wanted to make sure that we weren’t dealing with a “Ubuntu is the only Linux” outfit.

As a Gentoo user, I’ve spent my far share of time unpacking DEB’s and RPM’s, and I’ve found that most DEB’s are a mess inside… RPM’s are better, but a simple tarball is often the best for creating an eBuild around.

I have the same issue, libudev not found, on Ubuntu 13.04, and installation of this udev deb didn’t resolve the issue.

Ok, this is not a pretty solution, but if you make a symlink for libudev.so.1.3.3 (or whatever it’s called on your installtion), to libudev.so.0 it should work.

sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/libudev.so.1.3.3 /usr/lib32/libudev.so.0

This worked for me on Arch Linux.

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Is there a way to Install on Ubuntu 13.04 x64 that doesn’t include having to deal with the dependancies & building from Source myself?

You could download the .deb package, and installing it from a terminal.

To do this type this in a termianl, where you’re under the directory of the .deb file downloaded:

sudo dpkg -i gamedevtycoon-1.3.1.deb

This worked for me, after I tried installing the game with the use of Ubuntu Software center, which basically just said it installed it, and when it was finished, just showed me the install button again.

A 64-bit build would be cool. Safes some time with compiling and installing all those 32-bit libraries.

I also had to make a soft link on Arch Linux with:

ln -s /usr/lib32/libudev.so.1 /usr/lib32/libudev.so.0
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I got the installation working, I just couldn’t run the game. By now I found out how to download a 32 bit deb to install the libudev library, and it works, mostly, up to the stage of “moving into new office”. There is a javascript alert box with “[object]” in it, and the loading animation plays infinitely (black screen, box with blue slider back and forth.)

I installed the game using .deb, it had no errors. When I try to run the game it won’t run at all. If I run it in the terminal it gives me this error:

“gamedevtycoon: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”

I have libgtk 2 installed, does any one know how to fix this? I am not sure if this helps, but I am running linux mint 14.

Install the lib32-gtk3.