[GROUP] Nanonical! (GDT Enlightening, Vanilla++ and Election Time)

Simply described as a better vanilla.


  • Added realistic platforms that feel integrated
  • Several new events to spice up the day!
  • Implemented a few missing topics

The mod to use if you want to murder the president.


  • Varied “state” which gives different effects and events
  • Complex law system allowing tax horror… (mohahaha)
  • Multiplayer plugin allowing for… “interesting”… sessions


How do I install a mod? **Steam:** 1. Subscribe to the mod you want on the Steam Workshop 2. Launch the game 3. Press ESC and click "Mods" 4. Find the mod you want to activate and click it once. If it goes blue, restart the game and it will work. If it goes red, please send me a message :smile:

1.Find your Game Dev Tycoon installation directory. If you cant find it, try searching your files for “Game Dev Tycoon”
2. Go into the Mods folder in your install folder. (Not mods_ws, only mods)
3. Download the mod’s “.zip” file, and extract it into the folder. Inside the installed mod’s folder, it should look something like this:



you shouldn’t make a download client, it is just more hassle for the people

I’m adding a mods section to NanoPixel Client! I will also add a basic API for you to add your own mods to the library. Through the client you can download and delete mods.

I’m also all-in busy with adding a logging system. If you want to learn how to use the API, take these simple commands into use.

  • Push message into log

pushLog(“My String”)

  • Pause the log

pauseLog(“My Reason”)

  • Start the log

startLog(“My Reason”)

why logs

This is not for a mod in GDT. This is for a piece of software I call NanoPixel Client which is required to download my mods and applications. I got a way of adding custom code and items, thus this is an explanation of the API.

what scripting language is used?

You write your own Visual Basic scripts which are then loaded.

My gawd, mods for a download client.
What can we do?
What can we modify?

I know…
but how can we persanolize it?

You can personalize the download scripts to download the files you want, you can stop logging at any time, you can start logging at any time.!!

pls no vb
vb hurts my eyes

Thats too bad :slight_smile:

but visual basic is so weird
it’s too beautified


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i dun agree
i think that it is simpel

but it fiels lmited!

Does it feel limited? Have you ever heard of creating an application without the toolbox? lol

I’m creating all the controls dynamically, thus its not a drag and drop application.

:loudspeaker: Follow me on Twitter to get all updates wherever you are! :loudspeaker:


I will update the mod list with several mod ideas! They will be made when I feel like it :stuck_out_tongue: