Getting error without mods

Hello, i get error without any mods, i get this error when i click on Exit or when well clicking on buttons.

“Error: Uncaught error. Please report this to Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘id’ of null”

when you say without mods, did you use any mods on this save game before?

Please note that we cannot provide support if mods are enabled or were enabled at any time during gameplay for a specific save.

If you never used mods on this then please contact and submit your save file.

No i just updated so i have not used any mods, have never used mods in game dev tycoon because i only played the windows 8 version so this is first time playing the steam version, just installed

Where can i find the save file?
If needed, because i just installed the steam version

EDIT: Nevermind, i guess i fixed it by reinstalling the game