French translation

@PatrickKlug : In french, the word “Hi” and the next of the sentence (typically “I’m…”) , are separated by a , and a line-break.

Is it a problem if we use this shaping ?

it depends on the message length. I know that I broke that convention in that particular example because the new line would just be too much for it to go over the window size and I thought it’s better to have it compact, rather than split up the message on more windows. I guess the same applies in this case for the French translation so if it’s not too much of an eye sore to keep it on one line, it would probably work better.

Okay, to avoid problems, we maintain english shape. I’ll update the rule post.

@PatrickKlug : Is there any means to make ingame tests ?

unfortunately not, no. Once the translation is complete we will integrate it, test it and report any issues so it will probably be a two stage process.

I will investigate if we can enable testing of translations in the game itself. It should be possible. More thoughts here.

Okay, is not urgent, we are only beginning.

Salut moi c’est Hexatan tant ici que sur le site de traduction je suis actuellement étudiant en DUT informatique et j’ai 19 ans.

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'jour à tous,
je m’appelle Sammy (pseudo Nontenda), actuellement salarié dans une SSII (C#) et étudiant à Lyon.
Bien motivé pour aider à la traduction, malheureusement je n’ai pas d’états de service pour le prouver :wink:

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Bienvenue à vous les gars !

@PatrickKlug: Is string 12/13 it’s only use for the {5} at string 14 ?

@Toxicat yes, this is only used there. we had to reform that sentence for the German translation as well. If you look at the comments for 12/13 it should say ‘localNewsPaperFragment’ which is mentioned at 14. I sometimes used comments like this to indicate context.

Salut à tous je me demandais s’il fallait traduire MMO puisqu’on utilise très souvent cette abréviation et qu’il n’y a pas d’abréviation en français ?

Hi all I was wondering if it were necessary to translate MMO in fench because often uses the abbreviation and there are no abbreviations in French?

Il s’agit d’un terme purement vidéo-ludique, qui est unaniment connu et compris par les joueurs. On va garder le terme “MMO”.

Je m’en doutais bien, mais je préférais avoir confirmation.

@PatrickKlug where can I report an error in original text because in the string 385

Help debugging a convuluted BASE program.

I think it’s “convoluted” and not “convuluted”

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well spotted! Reporting it here is fine. I will make a note of it and correct it in the game and the translations later.

@PatrickKlug I don’t have any experience in translation of game but I am very involve this translation so can I have the status of moderator ?

Since @Toxicat is spear-heading the French translation and has experience doing this I will leave the decision to him. Even if you’re not a moderator you can help out a lot by adding suggestions and those help a lot.

@Hexatan S’investir est une bonne chose, vouloir aller trop vite en est une autre.

Je suis passé rapidement sur tes suggestions: Certaines sont parfaites, d’autre sont un chouïa trop littérales. N’hésite pas à lire la phrase traduite à haute-voix, histoire de voir si l’ordre des mots ne choque pas trop à l’oreille. Cependant, je t’encourage à continuer, tu te débrouille très bien pour un débutant =)

Je validerais ton travail demain en fin d’après-midi.