Youtube Content ID claiming

I believe you are actually the one accusing others of something they did not do. From what I can gather from this topic, you’ve been given a strike because you had in-game music enabled in the background. However, the music used in the game does not actually belong to Greenheart Games, but to an unknown third party. Whilst I do agree with you that you most likely used the music within the laws of Fair Use (based on what I’ve read, not what I’ve seen), and I find it strange how YouTube handed you a strike before the video got claimed (unless you left that part out?), but you are actually accusing the wrong people.

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@Daniel_Musial shut up about free use laws. Your talking about it like no one knows about it.

don’t complain here if you refuse to turn off the music, you need to appeal on youtube as greenheart games didn’t make the music.

also, no one accused you of committing a crime. so stop ranting on here about copyright laws that NOBODY cares about. if you refuse to turn off the music keep getting your videos claimed… no body cares. It is not greenheart game’s fault your getting videos claimed, you’re purely being ignorant and stubborn.

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@khal00d352 I’m sorry you feel it is nessary to ban people from a forum for complaining that the very same company is threatening legal actions against. To censor out a issue rather than resolve it peacefully, and injustly abuse said people who are complaining. If anyone is doing anything wrong it is you.

@Rex0099 No one cares about your whiteknighting for a company plain out ignoring the rights the user base has, stepping all over them, and justifing it as permissions. It isn’t ignorance, or arogence to further defend my own god damn fair use rights which you seem to ignore to justify and whiteknight a companies statements despite their actions being other wise. It is how ever arrogance and ignorance to ignore these issues that rave and plague this forum because much of the same issue has happen repetitively.

So please tell them they are all arrogant and ignorant when they have a issue with it. And next time someone walks all over your rights and treats you like a animal don’t expect me to be there, no I will be doing exactly as you are and playing it like your rights are privileges that you do not have because dickbagmceeges decided too bend you over a table and violate your rights.

@Pastract Thank you for being civil,
First this issue should have been resolved with them and the third parties as this is a repetitive issue.
2nd I did it in a live stream, which youtube disables editing on for some strange reason preventing people from removing sound if contentID. So litterally the only thing you really can do is fight the claim or worry with a constant threat that you will be facing possible legal actions, while having the video basically banned from nearly all countries… Or take the video down, only makes me want to go into a rant on how broken the content ID system is.
3rd I recieved contentID fought it, dispute failed and I recieived a strike, even though what they pointed at I was actually talking about the music in the game.

Do you set “paid advertisements” on? If yes, then you can’t use copyrighted stuff, unless autor agrees.
If not, some licenses types don’t let you use things without authors knowledge, no matter is it profitable for you or not.
(sorry for so short reply, android keyboard is sh*t)

@Jakub That isn’t how copyright law works. You can by all means do a review, a lets play, or pretty much any style of video on a copyrighted piece of work so long as it follows fair use, with or without monetary means on a without pleading with the copyright holders, or do you just ignore review sites in their entirety? In fact if you put up any copyrighted without monetary means, without any fair use clause, and nothing but it, it would by all means be a copyright infringement.

You think there would be a negative review on anything if we were not allowed to talk/show about it without pleading and begging to not be basically smacked around into coherently just repeating what they wanted to hear? No.
You see this is why I keep pointing out fair use, and the least they could do is leave us alone in our own living rooms but no that is not going to happen so long as people defend their actions…

@Daniel_Musial The Music is copyrighted. You did it and cant do anything about it. Its the owner of the music that said he wanted the music to be invisible for the let’s plays ITS THE OWNERS POWER and you still cant do anything about it!

@khal00d352 This is the problem with todays kids they don’t understand rights are rights and fight and defend for companies that don’t care about anything other than their money. I’m sorry but it isn’t the “OWNERS POWER” to step over our rights. We have the right to review, talk about, and speak how ever we want about their “copyrighted” material, if you don’t like it you can move to a country where you have no rights like North Korea, but that still wont change my rights to freely speak about it. To review it in a fair use means, and present it in a fair use means.

hell if we use your justification more than half of all media would be censored out, incarnation would be much farther through the roof, and hell everyone here might aswell be living in a dictatorship. Slaves would still be slaves because “OWNERS POWER”, and folks like you would be licking the boots of a daisy chain system were the only way to improve your quality of life is to suck up to these “OWNERS” that apparently have all the rights to everything you own and you nothing. It really does not take much thought to see that your justification is mearly a defense means without much thought put into it, with complete and utter disregard for not only my rights but your own.


(Body is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive)

Seriously, all they’re saying is you have to mute the background music… if you even LOOKED at the topic @iSenzo posted earlier then you will see that the royalty free music they used is automatically being claimed! GhG isn’t giving you the copyright strikes, or even affecting them!

Whilst I do agree with this, it may not have been doable. After all, the music they used was royalty-free, which they probably found on some website that didn’t include contact details to the artist and/or people responsible. This is just guesswork and not based on facts, however.

However, Greenheart Games is not the one to blame for your copyright strike. Whilst it is their game you were reviewing, and the music is part of the game, they do not own (any) rights to the music, thus it is not their fault. Granted this should have been mentioned in their EULA, but with a little bit of searching you could have easily found out that a lot of people are getting content IDs because of the background music, therefor you could have taken the necessary action.

You don’t understand how law work! I had several copyright strikes because i used copyrighted music and games, even if it fallen under “fair use”. So accept fact you must mute GDT music and play some you made and/or have rights to use. After so long time, youtube can’t bring your vid back.

Hey @Daniel_Musial

To be clear, We at Greenheart Games do not issue content claims for any lets play videos that do not include:

  • Link to a torrent of our game
  • A way to illegally download our game.

To be Crystal Clear - We did not issue the claim you received.

Who did? Adrev.

It may be of interest to you to read this section of our EULA:
Let’s Play Videos and Fan Made Content
You may create fan content (including Let’s Play videos) incorporating videos of actual game play, and may publish and monetise your fan content. All such fan content must be respectful to our industry, company and the Software. We reserve the right to revoke this permission at any time and for any reason by notice to you. Upon such notice, you must immediately remove the fan content from distribution.
What this Means: Go ahead and create a Let’s Play video, you can even monetise it (e.g. earn money from YouTube ads). But if we ask you to take it down, you must do so.

Please note that companies that perform ‘YouTube Content ID administration’ may file a claim in regards to the music. Many users have chosen to either mute the music or successfully fight the claim.
You may find this DMCA thread on our forums helpful:

If you have further questions then please do not hesitate to ask me directly. I am here to help and inform.

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@iSenzo - In my experience so far, many users have chosen to not mute the music and instead fight the claim successfully. Personally I feel this is preferable as it may encourage Adrev to be more careful about who they makes claims on.

@khal00d352 - Rather than banning people for being misinformed it is better to inform them so they can understand the situation better and learn from it. Also please do not type all in caps. Ever.

@Pastract - As always, a welcome addition to the conversation :cookie:

@Rex0099 - I can understand why you got angry. It is natural to feel that way when someone is acting aggressively and it feels gratifying to slap them down. However taking the moral high ground as Pastract did is the way to go.

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Also too bad. Thats how youtube works. THE DMCA laws are so flawed in this country.

@Daniel_Musial sorry for these troubles. I hate how other companies are seemingly abusing the claim system. I have written about this in the past:

In our eyes, you should have the full right to cast the game, including the music.As far as I can see, our license for the music does not contain any clause that would prevent such use.

If you can, try to fight the claim. Others have been successful in it.
Sorry for the trouble. We have considered switching out all music tracks from the game to prevent this unfortunate bullying but even developers who use custom-made music seem to run into the same issues.

What I would do is mute the sound and either make a remix with famitracker or use royalty-free music instead.

The music is already royalty free. I think all of these claims are completely ridiculous, unfounded and are simply corporate greed. - Don’t get me wrong, you can’t just re-use the music from GDT but casting gameplay should absolutely be considered fair use.

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