Why I should choose IE/Firefox/Chrome

Use firefox. It’s simply the best and most reliable browser right now.

Chrome is much slower and unreliable right now. Ive been using chrome for a long time before firefox, so it was hard getting away from it. But in the end, i only profited. :ok_hand:
(Don’t tell me it’s my PC that makes chrome slow, i tested it on 3 seperate ones, 2 of which were clean installments. We don’t need fanboying here… :point_up_2:)

Hmm, that’s strange. My PC runs Chrome fine

I never said it didn’t run fine, i just meant that it runs slower than firefox.
I’d also use chrome for youtube if it didnt take double the time to load videos.

True, I’ve had my moment where Firefox runs slow though, but that’s just probably my laptop
Also, I have no issues loading videos on youtube

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On my computer, Opera is slightly faster than Chrome, faster than Firefox, and much faster than IE.
And in my opinion, Opera is the most practical of all of them.
And I don’t have a cheap computer. (Opera uses less power)

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If it comes to youtube, using chrome or firefox really makes difference, cause chrome play videos using HTML5, while firefox Flash. What does it mean? Well:
+more advanced options
+no upper memory use limit
-it can be very memory hungry (won’t work well on weak PC)
-This is pretty new method, so it have few bugs
+More lightweight
+It’s one of oldest methods, most companies almost perfected using it…
-… and there almost nothing new you can do with it
-It have upper memory limit so 60FPS clips will be really choppy, no matter how good is your PC

There were many benchmarks, and every I saw (from 2014) said that Opera and Chrome are the fastest, Firefox is not so far from them and IE is at the end.
I also remember a test which said how fast do they open. IE won (like 0.9 faster than Chrome and Opera), because it’s built in Windows, then as I said Chrome and Opera tied, and Firefox was a tiny bit slower. Probably less than half of a second.


What? Have you ever used a search engine? Go to about:config and change media.mediasource to true.

Nailed it :wink:

And also, I hear a lot of “this browser is much slower than this”. And really, its such small margins that why care? The biggest reason for using Firefox (at least for me) is the developer tools.

@Stian I’ll give that a try

Firefox does not play with Flash, what made you think that? Thats the users choice.

When i open youtube using firefox, it says that i don’t have flash (i uninstalled it for test), while chrome just plays video.

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Firefox is very stable

Okay, here’s a step by step tutorial on how to play videos on YouTube with Firefox;

  1. Go to yotube.com/html5
  2. Click the “Enable” button

That is so complicated, I know!

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What about Netscape :smiley:

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How the hell i would know this trick if i don’t use firefox?
I look at this from “typical user” point.

Ah, so “Typical Users” shouldn’t have to click a button? I see… I have never understood people using “I have to push a button to make it work! How horrible!” arguments.

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But “typical user” don’t dig in settings to discover such functions.

Okay, that was not digging into the settings. Is it “digging into the settings” to connect to your network? No. You have to enable the YouTube HTML5 player, which only Chrome gets pre-enabled because Google.