Which new story events would you love to see in Game Dev Tycoon?

Some great ideas guys, keep em coming :green_heart:

One Think That could be great, but it’s not an event :
What if employees could have more than one specialisation ?
I think games would be more balanced and it would be a better sensation to make them, but maybe you wanted the game to be like this, so, I won’t mind if you don’t change it ^.^

But for an event, It could be interesting if someone on Youtube or Whatever, but a famous person asks for a copy of the game, saying that he could do some kind of marketing for us if we send them.
This way, if the game is a good game, we gain a lot more of fans and sales (depending on the quality, why not making this person make a personnal rate of the game) but if the game is not good, then we loose a lot of fans and money.

It could be fun !

And of corse if we don’t send the game to this person nothing change and nothing happends.

Well, sorry for my english, I dont usually speak it but, thank you for this great game and See ya !


And I’m just thinking of something else ! Why not give money to the persons who grades our games ? You know, like a corrupted magazine, it could be awesome, but with risks for beiing an asshole if people find out !

Here’s a thought that just occurred to me. Where do dev houses come up with the idea of cloning games? Clones are definitely not innovative, and yet they still happen. They’re ‘safe’. They cover their costs, turn a profit, and tend to get rated better than they deserve. It burns a little goodwill with the fanbase, but nobody leaves over something like this, right?

Maybe when the company is struggling, a random event should propose you make a game with [Topic + Genre] that imitates the gameplay of the recent hit from [Random Competitor]. I’m sure the team can come up with balanced play outcomes for this.

Trademark Infringement . Being accused of copying someones gameidea.

  • You can pay the plaintiff a fee so he dropes the accusation and you
    keep the rights to your game. OR
  • Let this thing go to court (50% chance to win because of false
    accusation + the accuser have to pay you money as compensation, 50% chance of loosing and having to pay the double fee than

Infamous Game

May fire if you have released a game with an average review score < 3.0 for a platform that’s been discontinued.

Boss, it would seem that one of our old ‘less than ideal’ games has been rediscovered by our fans. They seem to enjoy bashing it and many are buying it just to see how bad it is. This may make us money, but it could also draw our worst hour as developers into the limelight.

1.Pretend the game never happened.
[Game] eventually faded back into obscurity. Most people have never even heard of it. Good news for us.

Nothing happens, event ends.

2.Take advantage of the trend

Chance of:
We got the idea to help offset the costs of our bad release by profiting off it’s new-found popularity. However, this push has also made more of our fans aware of the poor quality of [Game]. This has hurt our standing as game developers.

Gain the original losses on the game, moderate loss of fans.

Chance of:
Our idea was to make fun of our own bad game and show how much we’ve improved as developers by contrasting it with [New release]. It was a great success and our fans seemed to enjoy our honestly.

Gain small amount of hype, moderate amount of money.

Sequel Demand
Must have a game with at least a 7.5 score, but less than 9.25, with no current sequel. The game cannot be using your ‘current’ engine and must be at least 3 years old. The game cannot be a sequel itself.

Our fans seem to be talking about [Game]. Many claim they were expecting a series based on this title and are upset to see their favorite game ignored by it’s creators. Their demand is simple - they want a sequel released right away.

  1. Refuse
    We explain that [Game] was a one-off title and we don’t intend to build a series on it. Our fans were upset at the announcement, we aren’t sure what they might do. Many of them seem intend on seeing this series continued ‘no matter what’.

Chance for:
Small loss of fans. Event ends.

Chance for: (game must have been self-published)
One of our wealthier fans has come to us, claiming to have bought every title we’ve ever made, twice. They are interested in buying the rights to [Game] for [small amount of money] and making their own sequel.


Gain small amount of money, can no longer make a sequel to [Game]. Event ends.


Lose moderate amount of Fans. Event ends.

Chance for: (game must have been made with a publisher)
Our fans, upset at our announcement about [Game] have gone to [publisher] and requested a sequel. The demand is so great that the publisher read through their old contracts and realized they can in fact, force us to develop a sequel. We’ve no choice in the matter.
[Large loss of fans, game creation screen opens]

*see below for the effects after the game is created

We have agreed to make a sequel to [game] and will begin at once. The fans seem pleased at this announcement.
[game creation screen opens, moderate gain of fans]

Game scores lower than the original
Our fans are displeased with the quality of [Game]. We may have difficulty regaining these fans back to our company.
[moderate loss of fans, game gains half (or loses twice) the fans it would otherwise]

Game surpasses the original
Our fans are overjoyed at the quality of [Game]! Our company is gaining a reputation as one that listens to what the fans what, and gives it to them.
[moderate gain of fans, game gains twice the fans it would otherwise]

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When you release an awesome game with a strong story, you’ll sometimes get a message saying ‘whoever wrote the story will probably win a prize for it’. That seems like a good idea for an event. If your last game release had an amazing story, then whoever you assigned to that story may win an award.

The first time it happens, they get bonus Design skill and your next RPG/Adventure game gets bonus hype. The second time onwards, just the bonus hype. If it happens three times to the same individual and they aren’t a Story specialist yet, they get automatically crowned as a specialist.

EDIT: Probably ought to have a minimum skill level on the crowning, albeit not as high as the minimum on crowning them normally. The event would work for other skill areas as well, but the probability should be even lower. Who ever heard of a world-famous Engine or Artificial Intelligence specialist in the gaming industry? Story gets more attention of this sort than any other development stage.

No Brakes on the Hype Train

(If you produce a top hit and then go back into development before it’s even reviewed, this may fire:)
[Game name] is the best thing you’ve ever produced! Your team is inundated under a storm of praise and high expectations. Pressure has never been higher. Everyone is expecting back-to-back masterpieces from you!

  1. Oh no!
    Hype goes crazy.
  2. Bring it on!
    Hype goes crazy, target score (for your next game only) is increased.

Bring it on probably needs some kind of reward, for players who’ve been holding back and who really can smash a recent masterpiece off its pedestal.

(EDIT: I may have to beg forgiveness for this suggestion.)

Just got something else in mind : why not, in the middle of a game development, receive a message from fans that want to see more female or black main characters in our games ?
Or just something like this, that goes against the clichés and what we usually see in games.
“Remember me” did good with this idea :smile:

(Sorry again if my english is not perfect, just trying to communicate from switzerland ^.^)

Edit : Got something new !

Why not, when you have some employees, have the possibility to go playing with them, or go in a restaurant, or go bowling ! You know some kind of group activity that could improve the quality of games because people will work better together !

Would never work for me :-(.
I never had a game review of < 3 :panda_face:

Special Graphics Chip

(Targets a system. Requirements: Can only target a system that you’ve released at least one game for, that is still on the market, and whose tech level wasn’t high enough to get full performance from the most recent engine you used on it.)

“Hey, boss. Trying to cram [Engine] into [Platform] was a pain, and I think I’ve come up with a way to make it easier. I’ve got some designs for a better graphics chip. I think it’d even be cheap enough to package with our sales, but I’m going to need funding for prototyping.”

  1. Fund the chip (Cost depends on the starting graphics level of the console)
    Console tech level increases by 1
  2. Refuse
    Nothing happens

(This pretty much happened with the SNES. Several games, such as Pilotwings and Starfox, were too advanced to run on it until one of the devhouses working with the SNES designed a hardware chip and put it in their cartridges. That was the house that produced Starfox.)

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Info Hungry Fanbase

Can fire when making a large or AAA game that is not a sequel and is utilizing a new topic.

“Our Fans are exicted for [game in production] and have been loudly voicing their desire for more info. Extended trailers, screen shots, Q&A with the devs
you name it, they want it. This presents an oppertunity to really get our fans fired up about our new game, but taking vital resources away from making the game might impact its quality.”

There are no selectable options for this event. It acts with the same mechanics as the “Oh No! Bugs!” event. You have a very short period of time to click on one of your employees. A new option “Respond to Fans” will appear. It will cost an amount similar to the ‘make a patch’ option. Also, like making a patch, it will prevent that employee from generating new bubbles for the duration of the process.

If you choose to ignore the event and not respond to the fans.

“The fans are dissapointed at your lack of response, but some are citing that a focus on the game rather than trailers is a good thing”

Minor loss of fans.

If you choose to respond to the fans with one of your employees

“The fan community is very pleased with the response from the developers. Excitement for this game continues to grow and Fans cannot wait.”

  • 50 hype
    Small increase in fans

If you choose to respond to the fans with your character

“The fan community was shocked with [player] took time out of [his/her] schedule to not only talk about the game, but give some genuinely juicy details about what surprises are in store. While most of the fans are pleased about this, a few cynical ones are commenting that [player] should focus on the game.”

+100 hype
Moderate increase of fans.


Specialized Custom Game Engines

I would rather you added this as a normal feature but you could make it so you get a story event that lets you Customize your Game Engine to work best with one Genre, Console, or Graphics Card.It could work with other options too but you could add the option that it would always get your games a little better review or be made faster maybe even add a few features you normally wouldn’t be able to things along those lines.

Could add some negative things to even it out like if it is good with Simulations it will work badly with Action based games.

The story event could be triggered after you make a few games with the Engine have it say that the Devs think they could Customize it to work with a Genre, Console, or Graphics Card to get the most out of the Engine.Actually could make reviewer scores for the games made with it decide on the bonuses or drawbacks for each Genre.

This way the game Engines wouldn’t always become useless after you make a new one and for people that play for a long time after after they beat the game could try to get an Engine that works best with each Genre.Building the games would be more unique too.

This event happens after making a good game (5-10), and having a bad sequel to it. (1-3). The text says “Our fans are complaining about the sequel to (good game), they want us to make a sequel that is almost as good (4-10)! Should we do do it, or should we ignore it?”. Making the sequel bad makes you lose (100 fans if the game is a 1, 75 fans if its a 2, or 50 if its a 3), but making the sequel good gives you a random amount of fans and a 30% chance of the fans liking it so much that they somehow add mods to the game (only if the game is for the pc) then a few days later you get a text bubble about the mod saying “Our fans loved (good pc seqeul) that they added mods to it! What should we do?” Its the same thing as the the fan-game event in the game. If you ignore it, you lose a big amount of fans, and the next five games you make dont get sold as often

If you release a terrible game for a console, there should be a risk that the company who produces the console will strip your license, requiring you to rebuy it to continue producing for that console.

"Sir, many of our fans have been selling out our games for more prices than we gave out to stores. Should we :

  • Sue Them,
  • Warn Them, or
  • Do nothing?"

More Specializations for Employees

2 More Offices (Please?)

At least create an office that can hold 8 employees*

*Excluding yourself

Game DLCs

MMO Upgrades (Membership and all that Jazz)

Game Expansion Packs

Oh yes please.

If the secondary market value of the games is higher than the primary market value of the games, doesn’t that indicate the primary market is selling out? I would suggest different options to respond to that. Expanding your printing runs and raising your prices would both seem like better responses.

Has any company really sued their fans for reselling games?

Company Website

(Triggered at a certain date, not sure which one would be appropriate. EDIT: If you already have GRID when the event occurs, this should be replaced with an alternative event.)

“Almost all of our competitors have company websites by now. We need one for ourselves. The question is, what are our priorities for the site?”

  1. Basic Presence (Free, no effect)
  2. Fan Community (Small price, gain fans)
  3. Online Store (Moderate price, small sales bonus for online-capable consoles)
  4. Community + Store (High price, benefits of 2 and 3)

Giant Fan Community

(If you set up a fan community in the event above, this event may trigger after sufficient fanbase growth.)

“Our online fans are out of hand. The community we set up just hasn’t kept pace with the growth of our fanbase. Our site is becoming unusable.”

  1. Hire Tech Support (Cheap, event may recur)
  2. Expand the Service (Expensive, event resolved)
  3. Let it Degrade (Free, loses fans, event resolved)
  4. Integrate the community with GRID (Moderate, event resolved, bonus fans) (Obviously, this requires you to have GRID set up.)


“The bottom has fallen out of the market for [Genre] games! Profits are likely to be low in this area for the foreseeable future. Is this the death of [Genre] gaming?”


Aliens Found!

(Very, very unlikely event immediately following successful completion of an Alien Search contract job.)

“Our contributions to the Alien Search project lead directly to the discovery of previously unknown signals! Earth is now believed to be within the radio broadcast shell of an alien civilization! It’s going to be a long time before any of the signals can be decoded, and it’s still possible this will prove a false alarm, but awards and fame are already pouring in.”

Thanks for the great suggestions everyone. We’ve already added some events inspired by suggestions here and might add more for the Steam release. I will unpin this topic for now but you’re welcome to add more suggestions :slight_smile: