What's your longest running game series in GDT?

The closest I came to a huge series was one playthrough where I had two medium sized series. There was Shuttlecocks and Stringplucker.

Main Sports/Casual Series
Shuttlecocks (10)
Shuttlecocks XL (9.75)
Shuttlecocks Shore (9.75)
Shuttlecocks In Space (7.5)
Shuttlecocks 5 (7.25)
Shuttlecocks Pocket (7.5)

Sports/Simulation Spinoff Series
Shuttlecocks World Tour (8)
Shuttlecocks Oriental (7)
Shuttlecocks World Cup (9.75) - MMO

Main Music/Casual Series
Stringplucker (9.5)
Stringplucker Ensemble (9.75)
Stringplucker 3: Chords of Fate (9.5)
Stringplucker 4: Freternity (9.75)
Stringplucker 5: Strum and Coke (8.25)
6-Stringplucker (8)

Music/Simulation Spinoff Series
Stringplucker Episode 1: College (8.5)
Stringplucker Episode 2: The Charts (7.75)
Stringplucker Episode 3: Big Wide World (8)