What do you think should be GHG's main priorities for GDT2?

GDT2 will definitely use a 3D engine :wink:

We are enormously happy with how we use Unity to create Game#2.


Oh okay. I just would of thought it would be created as a 2.5D game. Unity can actually make 2.5D games. Like Game Studio Tycoon on mobile is made with Unity.

One thing I also would like to see for GDT2 is the ability to create “Main Focuses” (main foci?). That is, what feature is focused on in a game you make. Like, Skyrim (Fantasy/Action-Adventure) focused on World Design, GTA V (I forget, was it City/Action?) focuses on Gameplay, all that good stuf.

I had a thought that, for consoles, there should be a minimum and maximum tech level for each one.

As it stands, we can use 3d graphcis v4 on the gameboy. I find that to be a bit off.

Perhaps ‘developement kitts’ can be a research thing, which lets you know what your min/max specs are.

Even late in the gameboy’s life, we still got basically the same graphics as when it started - save for the minor improvements you’d expect as developers understand the way to program for it ^_^.

Yeah, I’m sorry to say that TAG Mod will only continue once walcor, who is busy developing a game, provides us with the remaining graphics. I actually made a decent amount of progress on the UI.

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That’s fine. cries

how can I see other people’s ideas?

I thought about the scoring system and considered the following:

what if we were allowed an 80% to not get penalized, on our score? If we score say 100 tech on a game and it’s a new record, we would have to get at least 80 points next game. It wouldn’t grant us additional bonus points, towards that perfect 10/10/10/10 (Or 10/10/10/11 game) but it wouldn’t punish us either.

If you score at least 80% of your current max, you could get at highest a 9/9/9/9 game. 10’s would be for those achieving/surprising scores, I think, yes?

I also think small, medium, large, and AAA games, all need their own records. It’s silly to think that if you want to make a small game after making a large or AAA game, you know you will not achieve a record. Sometimes you ‘do’ want to make a small game though. Say you’re testing the market for a new category.

I feel each of the game sizes should have their own records to match/surpass.

Concerning the tech levels idea I had, I figured an easy way to filter them:

All tech will have categories: 1 thru 6

consoles will have a min/max tech category
game sizes have a min/max tech category too
(e.g. Even if the DS is a more modern system than the gameboy, it may not be able to have self-learning AI, due to the size and scope of that type of programming)

Therefore, when you select your console, and game size, the game will filter the lowest technology category between the two (i.e. game can take category 5, but your console can take only category 3, you will use category 3 tech).

From this filter, it will display the technology that your game/console combo can use, within your game engine. So making a game engine with ‘all’ techs is more wise than selective cherry picking, with a system like this, and I think that’s a smarter way to handle it anyway. Or, you can make several game engines each with their own tech levels, which also will make sense :stuck_out_tongue:

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I created a public and unfiltered spreadsheet that automatically keeps track.

Also I don’t like how you can gather millions of people at just a stand.

I think I’ve spawned some sort of Eldritch Abomination.


You’ve spawned a lot of smoke because your campaign is lit on fire.

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I think my stand is turning into a supernova… Just look at that shine.

Opens Blender

More options for different “game types”, not just normal games and MMOs.

Obviously you should make pay to play games, like in the DLC pack you never released. But to unlock it, you have to pay a MONTHLY FEE OF $20 shipping and handling not included see back for details side effects include selling out, nausea, death, death by selling out, and other horrible diseases. see doctor if side effects don’t immediately kill you

Please, don’t let it have bad optimization like Software Inc.

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blends supernova, gets an explosion

hold on hold on
Software Inc. is Alpha, Early Acces bruv don’t u ever dare say a bad word on it

and dun worry about GHG they will pull it off. It’s not like it’s in Java or anything (Notch wtf were u thinking)

Early Access…

I thought it was JavaScript.