Alright… Fine. Fine.
Geez why did i do that anyway?
I deleted the save with my first all-1s game. Reviewers still have nightmares about Cowboy Adventures, the outside-published PS1 Wild West-Adventure game
I used consoles that was sucesfull in real world and with cheaper license. Only if I just want to make game on different console, I bought it anyway. At later time, I just make everything on my own consoles
MMO smash hit WoW - lost lots of profits when I was tired to make expac after expac
I generally don’t touch Ninvento or Vena stuff, Although on my second playthrough I tested the waters with Ninvento, made two games and they both were massive losses, switched to Vena and have been making profits, even got my first No.1 game on this playthrough with the Vena Oasis,
Once the Vena company tanks, I’ll probably switch to Vonny, I’m going to stick with Vonny and PC and boycott the Mbox and Wuus, and see where it takes me
I bet you you had a Nintendo or Sega console when you were a kid. I’m young, so I was an Xbox kid. We have a Wii, but I don’t really care about it
Still am an Xbox kid, although I threatened to switch allegiances to Sony when the Xbox One came out (who would’'t?) Their removal of all the DRM features has dragged Xbox back from the dead for me, though
I used PC, G64, TES, Gameling, Playsystem 2, mBox 360, mBox Next, Playsystem 4 and my own console idxGunix.
All I do is PC until I can create my own console
Some people are just lazy. That can’t be the best ALL THE TIME?
i try to make a game( the same game basically) and the console games that get a review average of 7 or higher i continue making
I usually use different consoles in different scenarios. My last scenario was all PC, then every Vena Console, back to PC, followed by my own console.
I can’t really remember, but I do remember not developing for the Game Sphere.
Now that I think, I have not developed for the mBox Next, PPS, grPad and possibly some more.
Naw. I’m a console gamer but, on this it’s cheaper to develop and there’s no licensing fee
i’ve actually used every console in an effort (successful mind) to unlock all the game hints. It’s true once I unlocked them for some systems I don’t use them again.
Gamesphere and generally the ‘nintendo’ I ignore. I tend to ignore the G64. Why? Sure it’s got a higher market share, but it’s only 12% at best and your first few games, that doesn’t translate to any more than another dozen fans.
Plus the 20K it cost to produce for, rather than the 5k for the PC makes it not worth it early on when you are still ‘counting beans’.
I ignore the N64 knock off, and since by the time the “DS” is coming out, I’ve already unlocked large games (and since the game’s grading system is determined by your last game’s tech/dev score), I can’t go back to ‘medium games’, as I know I won’t trump my last score and the “DS” won’t give me a hit game. So I ignore it.
I don’t use any consoles apart from the Gameling, GS, mBox Next and Playsystem 4.
Well I was originally looking for a thread that might mention a suggestion to allow us instant knowledge over what age groups, and genreas our custom console will be in compliance with, when we created it, instead of having to make games and generate reports.
I mean we FRIGGIN MADE THE FLOOPIN’ thing, why can’t we know this data off-hand?!?!?!?!?!
anyway I found this topic and still wanted to post in it, despite it not addressing my original search (which by the way, no ‘console’ search, ever did… so no one has ever suggested such a thing , which baffled the crap out of me).