This game is a blatant rip-off (please don't censor us)

nope you closed the previous thread. And as far as I know you could have just deleted the troll posts instead of closing the entire thread.


Replies where still coming so clearly the disscusion was still open.

I think it’s best discussion is just kept at a minimum. It is a volatile issue and nothing can come from people arguing over it. Just live and let live.

I said I was open for discussion. Ultimately, I wish to bring no judgement based on my own perception of it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an important topic to discuss. However, that does not reflect on the reason given, and I merely ask not to remove topics that are not in Green Heart Games’ best interest, as it is the general feeling left by the way it was handled. I do not wish to overrule a modding, but I wish to raise this point.


There were still people arguing.
You react as if you had something to hide.

[enter link description here][1]

Just let the man sleep. Nothing can come from this.
[1]: A general thanks to users who stay calm

so we have to stop posting because the moderator is asleep?
That’s kinda stupid.


On the topic of too much inspiration from Game Dev Story, despite it being a volatile issue, there can be a lot of things coming out of people discussing it. It is an important matter, and it will mean Green Heart Games can be made aware of the issue, can better handle it, and it means people can form their own opinion.

The last part is particularly important, to me, since I almost bought this game when I was under the impression that it was a Kairosoft title.

Yes I agree discussion is important, but things get out of hand quickly. Let’s just all try to stay calm.

Just because you think this game is within the boundaries of what is OK, does not give you (or me) the right to impose that on others. If you wish for others to form their own opinion. The fact that it is under such harsh criticism is important enough to this matter.

Out of all the people I have seen actively argue this problem, you have been the biggest to jump to personal insults, and generally obscure the topic the others are trying to discuss. Now, please refrain from this meta-discussion.

You can state what you want about my methods. I was not the one cursing and making fruitless insults. The moderator of the forum has made it pretty clear they don’t want a large volatile discussion developing and I can respect that.

what do you mean out of hand? It was just a few people disagreeing with you and a few others.

nobody was cursing. Except me as a joke.

Even as a joke there are younger players who don’t need to hear that kind of thing. I can see this thread ending up just as long and disjointed as the last.

I think kids can handle some text on a online forum besides if they don’t hear it here they’ll hear it on the streets.

I’m sure they can, but we can at least try. I just don’t think anything can come from a discussion. No ones opinion is likely to change and no resolution is likely to be reached.

10 years old kids playing call of duty online aren’t rare.

i see 4chan trolls in this topic…

It’s likely. At least from the giant thread on 4chan some of them must be.

what makes you think we come from 4chan? We’re from Reddit.

who knows we might get more people to see that GDT is a ripoff from GDS

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