Steam Machine in the game

You probably know that Valve is going to release Steam Machine in 2014. So why don’t you add it in the game? It’s market share could be below PC and the development cost for the platform would be the same as the PC.

VALVE is going to release the Steam Machine, not Steam. Also, since you release the Game Dev Tycoon version of Steam, you have to make the Steam Machine if you make a Console.


The release of the Steam Machine is not within the games timeframe.
It wasn’t even announced when GDT was released.

Anything after XB1 and PS4, YOU will have to research and develop.

That doesn’t make any sense.

You want an update for every new console made in the future ?
Talk about not making sense.

A normal GDT playthrough has a 35 year timeframe. After that, no new platforms are released unless you do it yourself.
It’s pretty difficult to take the future into account when releasing a game.

I can understand why you want it. But that’s not really the issue.

The question is: Why would they add it, when the Steam Box was unknown when GDT was released.?

A lot of devices from within the games timeframe never even made it into the game, so why should the add a device that has barely hit the beta testing phase?

Maybe in the future they could add it. Look at the game some months ago, there still wasn’t PS4 (the design) and mBox One. And then a couple months later they extended the timeframe for 5 years just to add ps5 and mBox next.

Well, on the timescale thing - GDT does go past ‘now’, because it has future XBox and Playstation consoles.

On the Steam Machine thing… they’re PCs.

That’s true.
They added a lot of stuff and polished the game before the Steam release, which was a big thing for GHG.
The Steam release was kind of the ‘official release’ for the masses.
And I dunno, they might add it. I just don’t see why they should.

At some point they’ll have to say “This is the game, and this is as far we’ll go adding new stuff.”

I’m sure GHG would like to move on to a new project. They’ll probably keep fixing any bugs that might show up, but I wouldn’t count on any more new stuff being added, except maybe in a later expansion.

Personally, I’d rather like to know what kinds of ideas they’re throwing around regarding future projects.
I consider GDT to be fine as it is, and a great first published game, even though there’s a lot of great ideas from the community I’d like to see make it into the game.

Come to think of it, I think they are actually be working on some sort of modding support, so the community can add and change stuff.
I know they want to support modding, but I also know that GHG will be setting the rules for what and whatnot is allowed.
Modding will have to be on their terms, which is totally fair. It’s their work after all.

Not necessarily, there are multiple services like steam, such as origin(used by EA), and UPlay(Ubisoft).

…since you release the Game Dev Tycoon version of Steam (Codename: Grid), you have to make (by making your own console) the Steam (Grid) Machine…

Grid is the fictional counterpart to Steam in Game Dev Tycoon. You are the one who gets to develop it, via the R&D lab. That answer the question?