Steam Machine and Controller?

The ones that were just released run Windows. Though, I do that believe the final version of the Steam Machine will run SteamOS.

I don’t know which ones you’re referring to, but both the Syber and AlienWare offerings (the two linked at advertise as running SteamOS.

Everything’s a derivative of Debian.

so I derive from Debian?

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It’s not like you would buy an entirely new console for it. I hope.

Directly from Wikipedia:
“Some Steam Machine vendors confirmed that they will release hardware with Microsoft Windows installed, marketed as “Steam Machine Ready” for when SteamOS and the Steam Controller are available to consumers.”

@tntey depends what hardware your pc has and what steam machine you compare it with

tru, tru

I was unaware of that. I had assumed this thread was a response to the recent announcement by Valve and replied under that assumption that was what we were discussing. “the new Steam Machine”