[REL] Game Dev Tycoon: Platforms, Events, and Topics, OH MY

I’m in 42 and it’s not there but Vindows 8.1 is

@KizzaGaming start a new save game, then.

Update: 1.0.2 is now out for public download. Update now at https://github.com/Turntablelover/Game-Dev-Tycoon-Mod and https://db.tt/Orng9aUL

I have an problem; I cant find my modconfig. :expressionless:

XD, modconfig got removed in the latest version of the Mod API.

Oh, so what do I do now to get it to work?

  1. Copy and paste the folder, venomous-modAPI into the mods folder for Game Dev Tycoon
  2. Launch Game Dev Tycoon
  3. Go to Mods Menu
  4. Click on mod to turn it blue
  5. click ok and close mods menu
  6. Exit Game Dev Tycoon
  7. Restart Game Dev Tycoon

I cannot click the mod into blue. Oh, and it’s colour is red.

Do you have any other mods installed

Mopo, please update the mod to 1.0.2, to see if it fixes your problem.

I don’t have ny other mods installed.

How do I update it? I just download it again?

Download it again then just replace the folder

Tried about 15 times.

Tried what 15 times @Mopo

To downloand it and replcae the folder I tried about 15 times.

@Mopo what version of the mod did you have, 1.0.2 is compatible with the new Mod API.

Yeah, I have version 1.0.2.

hmmm, that’s odd, because on my end, it appears blue . @Mopo

1.1.0 Sneak Peek: In this update to the mod: Events, Topics, and Researches will finally be enabled.

3. 3D Graphics Version 8
4. 3D Graphics Version 9
5. 3D Graphics Version 10
6. 3D Graphics Version 11
7. 2K HD Graphics
8. 4K HD Graphics

2. Thief
5. MeTube
6. Game Port

That’s what I liked more

Thanks for the feedback. @Turbox

Yay, I got the mod to work by reinstalling whole GDT, everything works expect the researches & custom topics which came with the mod. :l