[REL] Game Dev Tycoon: Platforms, Events, and Topics, OH MY

@SirEverard Patrick said on the Wiki for the Mod API, under the Date Section that 42 Years = 1.4, so that got me thinking so when I implemented 45 Years, I did 1.45.

So for the other years i added, for 60 Years, I did 1.6, because I did 1.5 and 1.55 for 50 and 55 Years.

Read the wiki again.

30 = 1, so that means
45 = 1.5
60 = 2
I don’t understand how you got your numbers or why you bothered to change my code?

@SirEverard because, I wanted my code to be unique and different, so it wouldn’t look like that I copy and pasted it.

Lol but you did and change it so now you code is wrong code is wrong.

1.6 isn’t equal to 60 years.
1.5 isn’t equal to 50
and 1.55 isnt’ equal to 55.

@SirEverard I didn’t copy and paste. I retyped it all out into my mod’s code. It took 30 minutes to a hour to retype the code.

Copy and pasting would have been better XD.
Fix your code :slight_smile:

1.6.2 is now out for public release. Update Now at https://github.com/Turntablelover/Game-Dev-Tycoon-Mod and https://db.tt/kUnKirIj

1.6.2 Release Notes:

  1. Implemented 85 Year, 90 Year, 95 Year, and 100 Year Game Extensions
  2. Fixed Bug with Dalek Invasion Event, where it occurs 2 times in a row, while the game is being developed in the Second Office
  3. Fixed Values on Game Extensions

I’d be better off to tell the people that it’s actually MY fault that it’s in the mod. I’m not planning on removing it from the mod in a near future.

Well, maybe I am. And trust me, it’s still my word over yours :wink:


Yes, that’s true. As I said, it basically was me who invented the idea for the mod. :stuck_out_tongue:

but if you do remove that you know a couple of topics of you guys are the same so how are you gonna solve that?

That’s his problem. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol :sunny:

(school’s out!!)

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I seen virtually no point in the argument…who cares if two mods have extended time limits, really whats the point? just let me enjoy something without crying over code -_-

i can understand if it was stolen, blah blah blah, sometimes enough is a enough.

Got an error

Uncaught Error. Please report this to
Uncaught ReferanceError: ghg6 is not defined

then the game locked up

Game is broken now…

never got that error while testing.

well it has popped up, oddly, i dunno what caused it

Please tell me what mods you are using with my mod.