[REL] Better Error Handling

It helped me already :blush:

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Very handy Jari! :slight_smile:

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Hey @Jari

Would you like me to add this to the official mod list?

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Yea, absolutely, thanks!

Great mod, can easily help modders make mods in the future.

I made a new folder called jariz-error, put all the contents from the .zip into it, enabled it ingame, but I just get the same error dialog box as I would normally?

Erm, no idea. Could you send me a screenshot of your console?
To find out how to get to the console check out my tutorial:

This is all I’m getting in the console. Seeing as nothing is related to your mod, I guess it’s on my end. I’ll try and re-install it. (If you’re wondering what PSC is, it’s my mod. Still trying to fix it) http://gyazo.com/ed003c8b1836f3cb6c51c46ce74003a8

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It’s probably because your mod is crashing before my mod’s loaded.
My mod only catches errors after it’s initialized.

doesn’t work :
Could not load mod one of the scripts mods/jariz-error/js/resources.js,mods/jariz-error/js/Error.js is missing or invalid!

Read other posts! I had same problem.

Bonjour j’ai ce problème la depuis que j’ai acheter le lab R&D

Why do You post it there?

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@mamouthe This is not an error with this mod

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C’est quoi alors ?

it is caused by UItimateLib. If you looked at the error report you would be able to notice that

Je doit faire quoi pour réparé se bug ?

Try re installing UltimateLib. If that does not work contact @alphabit

I think ‘don’t kill the messenger’ applies here.
My error handler is just showing you a error and has nothing to do with the error itself.

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I know a reasonable amount of JS (JavaScript) to know
why you used Bootstrap.