It helped me already
Very handy Jari!
Yea, absolutely, thanks!
Great mod, can easily help modders make mods in the future.
I made a new folder called jariz-error, put all the contents from the .zip into it, enabled it ingame, but I just get the same error dialog box as I would normally?
Erm, no idea. Could you send me a screenshot of your console?
To find out how to get to the console check out my tutorial:
This is all I’m getting in the console. Seeing as nothing is related to your mod, I guess it’s on my end. I’ll try and re-install it. (If you’re wondering what PSC is, it’s my mod. Still trying to fix it)
It’s probably because your mod is crashing before my mod’s loaded.
My mod only catches errors after it’s initialized.
doesn’t work :
Could not load mod one of the scripts mods/jariz-error/js/resources.js,mods/jariz-error/js/Error.js is missing or invalid!
Read other posts! I had same problem.
Why do You post it there?
C’est quoi alors ?
it is caused by UItimateLib. If you looked at the error report you would be able to notice that
Je doit faire quoi pour réparé se bug ?
I think ‘don’t kill the messenger’ applies here.
My error handler is just showing you a error and has nothing to do with the error itself.
I know a reasonable amount of JS (JavaScript) to know
why you used Bootstrap.