Question about Steam Key

I ordered Game Dev Tycoon from the website on May 15, 2013. Will I get my steam key today in my email box.

Please read the pinned FAQ found here:

Is there a Possibility to get the DRM free Version if i bought the Steam Version?

I bought it today but i want to play it on my Working Laptop (without Steam) too.

I hope that we can work something out :slight_smile:

No, this is not currently possible. If it becomes possible in the future, then there will be an announcement here, so be sure to read any pinned topics fully, but there are no plans for this right now.

What will the email be sent by? Will it be an email called GreenHeart or a different one?

i’ve got it from

i can’t play it yet though :frowning: (even though reports appear with the possibility)

you can play without internet, just download it first