[QUES] Help with my Mod

Hey, I am trying to make a mod that adds a company, with a console, but also maybe a few events?
Basically, I have come across an error. When ever I load up the game with the mod it says this:
Could not load mod one of the scripts ((then it’s the directory)) is missing or

It cuts off then :frowning:

The only bit I have done so far is the console with the event BTW

Please help me, I really want to make a mod D:

Oi Resin X! Thanks for adding insights to my mod!
I can help you with coding, don’t worry. Do you have steam? I’ll add you.

Hello, I do have Steam, but my account doesn’t Show up when searching…
So can you tell me yours and I will add you, :slight_smile:

Uhh… Isn’t it obvious?

< That right there

Hey I searched your name, nothing showed up :expressionless:

Are you sure?

What’s your name?
my name is wavejones

Liam “Resinex” Hinsley, or at least I think it is… Or it could be hinsleygaming OR Resinex112, I cannot for the life of me remember XD XD :stuck_out_tongue:

Sent a request!

So, WaveJones has helped me out, and it was fixed… But then, I started getting errors, I looked around the forums and I saw that @SirEverard suggested using a program to run it through, this is what I got:

1 var PGP = {};
2 (function () {
3 pgp.addPlatform = function () {
4 var icon = ‘.\mods\PlayGameMod\console\playBox.png’;
5 GDT.addPlatform1 = function ()
6 {
7 id: ‘playBoxA’,

lint warning: use of label

lint warning: multiple statements separated by commas (use semicolons?)

8 name: ‘PlayBox’,

SyntaxError: invalid label

9 company: ‘PlayGame Productions’,
10 startAmount: 0.15,
11 unitsSold: 0.698,
12 licencePrize: 5000,
13 published: ‘1/2/1’,
14 platformRetireDate: ‘10/6/2’,
15 developmentCosts: 10000,
16 genreWeightings: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
17 audienceWeightings: [1, 1, 1],
18 techLevel: 1,
19 iconUri: icon,
20 events: [
21 {
22 id: ‘10537DA1-58F1-4F23-8854-F1E2621933ZG’,
23 date: ‘1/1/3’,
24 getNotification: function (company) {
25 return new Notification({
26 header: “Industry News”.localize(),
27 text: “Thanks to WaveJones, now the renown game company PlayGame Productions has recently announced that there brand new game console, the PlayBox, has hit RTM and will be in shelves next month! {0}.”.localize().format(General.getETADescription(‘1/2/1’, ‘1/3/4’)),
28 image: icon
29 });
30 }
31 }
32 ]
33 });
34 };

Sorry that it is messy, :wink:

Could u please post the code (not that messy thing) or send me PM with the code so I can check it?

oh my god you haven’t deleted that “Thanks to WaveJones” text i put in there. XD