Problems With UltimateLib

I got a question: I -can’t- download UltimateLib and I got Windows 8.1 version, I bought the game from the Windows Store. 1: What can I do to download UltimateLib? 2: How do I add the mods? I had the game for steam but later had to buy it once again because I updated my windows version, I removed the game from steam but I still got steam files, is this normal? 3: Can I EVEN add any mod for Windows Store version? I hope you answer me, thanks.

No, the Windows Store version does not suppport modding. This is due to technical restrictions in the Windows Store.

Damn what a shame, and is there NO WAY to add a mod? Because that sucks since I was planning on installing multiplayer Mod. Oh well I just hope I get GDT2 (if it’s even coming out) for steam!

Guess you should get GDT on steam

No thanks, I alredy paid it for the windows version.

why again

I have had problems myself, to be honest. It doesn’t have anything to do with Windows Store, but the actual game in general. I bought it quite a while ago, everything is updated and such, but when I download UltimateLib, put it in my mods folder, activate it, restart, doesn’t matter what, it doesn’t work. Same goes for the mod that requires it, as well.

You can grab your complimentary steam key from in game on the charm menu. Check out the Steam key thread for more info:

Have you checked that you are putting the right thing in the right folder? You can post a screenshot here so we can check.

:clap: Well, you are lucky. Charlie only hid your post :clap:

Maybe not for this my friend, but you did get banned. All the better for it, too.

He is actually banned for ‘‘Disgusting Behaviour’’ I don’t think he’s banned for that post :wink:

No, but it can’t have helped.

I alredy put my Steam Key, the same, It won’t let me play the game.