NASA unveiled big Mars discovery (water on Mars!)

Just Amazing how They found water… Now to search for illumin@@tyy B@s3 on Mars

I thought this was going to be an interesting scientific discussion and then it turned out to be just a lot of kids talking about illuminati.

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This community is made out of 12 to 15 year olds (like most of communities on the Internet), so yeah.

Anyway, that thing they found is water? Like, liquid water?

Posting it here, with a lot of trolls rolling around? Of course a joke thread was to be expected.

Its not too cold in the summer months for water. Also running water could mean that there was life a very long time ago.

I’m more concerned about this:

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Agree, the illuminati is only funny in MLG videos and not in a post about Mars that is meant to be scientific.

Not all of them are dumb or crazy m8

True, but this is going too far.

So what if there is life on mars… it’s not like they’re going to be intelligent life from if there is anything… Unless they live in super deep and incognito bunkers deep in the ground. It’s like, “oh a space frog, that’s cool, right! home time”



I have time…

Also I found out why the water doesn’t freeze on Mars.

It’s salty.

im such a retard

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Moral of this story: Nitrogen = salty.

Seems legit.

Nitrogen isn’t salty. Mars is salty. Water absorbs salty. Water becomes salty. Salty lowers freezing point.

Water doesn’t absorb salt. Salt is water solluable, (spelled wrong, shut up) just like most of our vitamins. And while I’m on it, it isn’t anywhere near normal salts. It’s perchlorate salts which would be like acid to us.


Illuminati confirmed?

acid as in the drug or what?

acidic, as in corrosive and would burn a hole through a table.


Anyways, since this is new to me, how exactly would water be on Mars? I know you guys say it’s salty but come on. No explanations?

still, it is probably cold out there

It was a conspiracy.

The sodium levels lower the freezing point considerably to the point where this is possible. Additionally, there was likely a lot more water on the planet in the past, and that this is simply whatever’s left of it.