My ideas for GDT

Here are some ideas i have for GDT

Controversy-the devs would have to work this out

More topics like:Crime,Platformer,Survival,etc.

Choosing more than 1 topic

Being able to buy companies,publish other company games,work with another company to produce a game,have an owned company make a game

Regions-you would have a subsidiary in another country

More console options-may be the ability to make mobile consoles and may be a bit more of customization for consoles

The ability to buy game franchises from another company

A bigger team

Being able to be an indie developer

Being able to set a price for your games,

Being Able to make DLCs for games.

More Consoles like:The PS Mita(Vita),GS Lite,GSi,GS 3DS. Maybe a bit more of imaginary consoles that don’t have to be made by the player instead of the renamed consoles in there currently.

Being able to make Free games.

Being able to release a Demo of your games to generate Hype.

Being able to port games to other consoles-So if you make a game,some time later you can port it to a newer console,like the GTA series


DLC is a good idea! I would start to make a real The Sims 3 LOL

More topics

More console options (in the form of PC options instead)

Being able to set a price for your games,

More Consoles

This is all included in @DzjengisKhan’s mod:

You should check it out if you haven’t adds a new dynamic to the game for sure.

I’m actually having problems installing that mod

Just that one or other mods? I assume you have followed the modding guide?
You might need to reinstall the game.

I followed the modding guide,re-installed but to no success so i just gave up and now I’m playing the game as is.

Nice mod