My custom platform isn't appearing

Can anybody explain me why this code not working?

var Modcore = {};
(function () {

    //grPhone 2

	Modcore.addPlatform = function () {
		var icon = GDT.getRelativePath() + './img/01.png';
				id: 'grPhone 2',
				name: 'grPhone 2',
				company: 'Grapple',
				startAmount: 2.3,
				unitsSold: 3.7,
				licencePrize: 35000,
				published: '19/9/1',
				platformRetireDate: '24/12/4',
				developmentCosts: 12000,
				genreWeightings: [0.9, 1, 1, 0.9, 1, 0.7],
				audienceWeightings: [0.9, 1, 0.8],
				techLevel: 1,
				iconUri: icon,
				events: [
						id: 'f0666cad-4344-40e6-bb96-78051e91279',
						date: '19/7/1',
						getNotification: function (company) {
							return new Notification({
								header: "Industry News".localize(),
								text: "Today. {0}.".format(General.getETADescription('19/7/1', '19/9/1')),
								image: icon

can you be a bit more specific of what isn’t working? error messages? behaviour? what happens?

The platform doesn’t come out. Also event doesn’t appear.

well, you are calling a method (ModCore.addPlatform) that doesn’t exist.

Modcore.addPlatform should probably be GDT.addPlatform.
Also please cache the result of GDT.getRelativePath() as described at Migrating your mod to Steam Workshop

If you didn’t see any error messages then I also doubt that you installed/registered your mod correctly.