More in the Game History file

Hey Everybody :slight_smile:

First I want to say that i love this game, I showed it to two of my friends and they loved it as well.

However, when I played the game I noticed that their were not a lot of information in the Game History file. All that it says is your profit, rating average score and rating and so on. But personally I think there should at least be two more things on it…

  1. Game Reviews: There should be an option to see the reviews for that game, they can tell what was good with it, or more importantly what was bad with it. This can help pointing the player in the direction of what he should do better for his next RPG or racing game for example.
  2. Your work bars: You should also have the option of seeing the work bars of the game you have purplish, like seeing how much I put in sound, AI, or design. It’s hard to remember how much I focused in the different bars for an old title. If I get to look at my old bars for one RPG before I develop a new one, I will know what I have done, and maybe what I should focus more on.

These are just some things I been thinking about, I would love to se what you guys think, if this should be a part of the game :slight_smile:

There is a thread for ideas and suggestions like these here