Hi, where can I get the game demo please? I want to try the game before buying it, and I want to try it especially on Linux, not Windows… Can you give me please link for download (also some buggy version of game), or can you give me the date when the demo comes officialy available? Thanks for help.
As you can see on http://www.greenheartgames.com/game-dev-tycoon-downloads/, the demo is currently not available for Linux. The Linux build is also having some compatibility issues that need to be resolved.
I know that the demo isn’t currently available for linux. Thats why I wrote here. To ask for the download or the date when the demo for linux may be released. Thanks for fast respond.
I’m going to imagine it’ll be a little while, because the issues with the Linux build are quite bad (one example is [Linux] The Bugs of the Linux version). They will probably work on a demo only after some of the breaking bugs are fixed for all the platforms.
Ok, thanks for your help. I will probably try the windows demo.
You could use the Crossover Trial to play the Windows DEMO
At he moment, that seems to be one of the better solutions to play the game.
Hopefully they will patch the game.
Only problem the game will crasch when you click on exit. So you must delete the complete compressed Asserrts which would spam the temp folder of your Bottles crossover user from time to time.
Lookin in something like here:
Replace gwarks by you username and GameDevTycoon-132 by you bottles name.