Least Favorite Reviewer

I hate game hero because I nearly always get:


Informed gamer.
Informed my :green_heart:

They edited all games’ AI to make it give you specifically higher reviews

Read the CL.

I just hate everyone equally. :slight_smile:

Just got a score of 11 from All Games, with the quote "11 out of 10, Game of the year, any year!"
All the other reviewers just gave me a 10. An easter egg, I suppose? :slight_smile:
Would upload a picture but I can’t since I’m a new user(registered just to post it, but alas, it was not meant to be it seems.)


basically every reviewer in Game Dev Tycoon is my least favorite.

All games seems to give my games higher scores than anyone else, at least in my last play through, though I was almost exclusively making RPGs. Maybe they really like RPGs?

Right-o, finally can upload the image.

1 Like

My god! 29th year??

??? The game runs 35 years in the normal setting?

all games
6 times now i had


They just refuse to give me the perfect score

And now All Games tends to be the lone outlier in my 10, 10, 10, 9 games. Though twice now they’ve given me 10s when it was a 10, 10, 9, 9 game.

Seriously, not photoshopped. Btw - “Nice experience”? You mean “FRICKIN’ AWESOME EXPERIENCE” right?