[INF] [List] UltimateSuite - Official Mod List (2014-04-29)

###New Addition(s) 08.03.2014###

Name: More Topics/Achievement
Author: @A_Random_Guy

Name: Moodd
Author: @BestPERSON

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Good list I like some of these mods :smile:

Seen my mod? It’s made in UME so… it would be nice to see it here.

@alphabit its been a while. (Not Really) Anyways, i would like my GameUltraTycoon mod on the mod list. if you can thanks. :slight_smile:

###New Addition(s) March 18th, 2014###

Name: Extra Stuff Mod
Author: @JackBank

Name: ExtraThingsMod
Author: @bodiegrg

Name: GameUltraTycoon
Author: @ProbNightmare

Name: More Vena
Author: @BestPERSON

Name: Stachurski: “Overload mod”
Author: @Jakub

Name: SuperDevTycoon
Author: @GameDevUnique

###Also, proudly presenting###
Name: Expansion Pack for Game Dev Tycoon
Author(s): @DzjengisKhan @LineLiar




seems like every new mod is using UL/UME xD


@alphabit You can remove UltraGDT from the list
Me and @iSenzo are making a new mod that will require UL in the next version

37 mods made with UME? Awesome!

###New Addition(s) 28.04.2014###

Name: Cartoons Topics
Author: @Nicollas_Vicent

Name: Interovol Alpha
Author: @B1iN4iK

Name: Large Expansion Pack
Author: @Dudusinho

Name: MoreGrapple
Author: @iSenzo @KizzaGaming

Name: Movie Topics Mod
Author: @Jediwolf

Name: Rival Expansion Mod
Author: @MegaUltraRaptor

Name: The RPT Expansion Pack
Author: @Zyperspace

Name: YetAnotherExpansionMod
Author: @GameDevUnique


@alphabit MoreGrapple was made using UL, not UME


Ah ok. Will fix that. Ty.



@alphabit You can remove UltraGDT as I discontinued it to concentrate on TZP

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###Removal(s) 29 April 2014###

Name: UltraGDT
Author: @KizzaGaming
Reason: Discontinued


hey @alphabit. wondering if you can add my UME mod… the link is HEARE


I’ve recently downloaded the Ultimate Mod Editor for Game Dev Tycoon, and let me just say I love how surprisingly user friendly the program is. I don’t intend to sound like someone who is complaining about mods not having enough content, on the contrary I’ve enjoyed Ultimate Lib and Ultimate Achievements. I just have to wonder if anyone plans on adding more to UME.

Specifically I want to know if we’ll ever be able to create Complex Events/Notifications, as I’ve had several ideas for potential addons for GDT, but either I have no idea how to create the kind of events where certain decisions can earn or cost fans/money or if it’s not possible in UME’s current state.

I also want to know how to develop complex researches that expand onto game development like Target Audience and Multi-Platform if that’s even possible, as I’ve been hoping that either myself or someone else could create a sort of Multi-Topic mod.

@ParadoxicalStratagem Please post that in the official UME thread, this is a thread for mods created using the UL, so you’re on the wrong topic :stuck_out_tongue:

Could you add my mod?

the owner of this thread has been inactive for 4-5 months now because he was hired by Greenheart Games. Not sure if he’ll be able to add your mod in the list.
oh, and btw… great mod!

Thanks bhoxbryan09