Ideas for 1.5.0

all this is so awesome

How about allowing the player to repetitively roll a virtual dice to pick what four random topics are available to the player before starting the game, or manually select what four topics to start with? Since the random starting topic update I keep finding myself pressing New over and over until I get at least two topics that can guarantee me smooth sailing at the start, whenever I start a new game. It would be less of a hassle if I could just roll over and over or pick topics manually before I start the game. Since sometimes the game starts out with several if not all one-use topics which will not do well with the platforms in the market, forcing me to waste research points on topics when they could be used on engine parts instead.

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Iā€™d really like if consoles were more customisable. For example, you could choose a design and then the primary, secondary and tertiary color seperately.
And Iā€™m all in for a custom console and handheld at the same time, maybe even split the two markets alltogether (and then add the PSV, Shield, 3DS and GBA to the mix so thereā€™s more handhelds)
And one final idea: how about you could work more closely together with other companies, letā€™s say create the next The Legend of ā€˜Seldaā€™ with Ninvento exclusively for Wuu.

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Throwing this in!

When the player fires a long term employee this pops up, which can lead to another pop up

"Breaking News

We have just learned that CEO at has fired after after many years of service to

was responsible for a multitude of hits from and was

Many fans of have taken up a petition to get his/her job back at

CEO has released a statement, saying

Who knows what will happen now, Heaps of fans would be jumping to work at this company!"

in the case of where you have a huge following, a petition happens where said employee would get their job back due to the votes

Ok so in my case, this would be my version with my long term employee Kelly Bowman whos been with me since the 2nd office.


We have just learned that CEO Romire of Romire Entertainment has fired Kelly Bowman who has been with Romire Entertainment for close to 32 years as a game Developer, responsible for a string of hits such as Fashion Show Tycoon, Doom 3, Dungeon Wars 6 and Many More.

Sources close to Romire Entertainment state that there has been numeros problems between the two, and it was time to go.

Romire Entertainment Fans were outraged, and immeditally set up a campaign to get her job back at stating that Kelly was responsible for the sucess of the company and shouldnt be fired!

Only time will tell if Kelly returns or Romire hires a new staff member!


in the case of Your fanbase making a petion, and it pops up, you can choose to rehire said fired employee, which will gain you the former empolyee, HOWEVER they will gain an increased pay rise.

Should you not re hire, you will lose 20% of your fan base and your next game release takes a hit

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Maybe, a graph to tell you which company is doing the best at the moment, and the highest ranked game

R&D Lab: Create hardware parts, PCs, TVā€™s, Stuff like Kinect.

Design and Technlogy Lab: Game Art, New topics, Cover pages, Logo

Both Collaborating: Competitions, speeches, architecture (hire a builder to create the office to move into) and finally game price slider.

Thanks and Sorry for the ideas Iā€™ve taken

I think there are some very good ideas here - some of which I had thought about myself.

Especially, I like the idea of being able to make a series, the idea of awards, and the ability to do two medium games at once.

In general, I think that something that is really a shame is that you loose the wonderful feeling that you have in the beginning of the game of having a special relationship with every game.

When you start out, you feel very strongly about every game: you think a lot about the genre-topic combination, you think of a funny and original title and imagine a game universe, you care about how you place the sliders, and you care very much about the review score.

At later stages of the game, you lose this feeling, and I think this has to do with three things: firstly, that you make so many games that you forget them - they get lost in the crowd; secondly, that there is no connection between you early games and your later ones, and finally, that game development starts taking so long that you hardly ever make more than one per year.

I think the proposals that I mentioned in the beginning would help fix some of these issues. In this way, making a series would create a connection between early and late games, AND make games not get ā€œlost in the crowdā€; game awards would recapture the special feeling from the beginning; and being able to make more games would help with the last problem of not being able to do very much in the later stages of the game.

However, I think some further things could be done to help with this problem:

End of year statements: at the end of every year you get a report telling you: which game sold most units, which game got the highest review and tech/design score and how these compare to earlier years (there should be an option to browse though reports from earlier years), income/costs, graphs showing the change for the company.

These end of year reports should also include:
most requested sequel (by the fans).
most popular series (if series are included, which they should be)
earlier games still being sold (I think it would greatly increase oneā€™s link to the past games, if you included the feature that they still sold (a little bit) if they were really good)

In general, I think that games should sell for a lot longer - especially if they received good reviews. This way, you would be reminded of past successes and not only have focus on one large/AAA/mmo-game even in the end game.

Also, I think that sequels should be introduced as soon as you research custom game engine. It is frustrating to make another Simulation/Transport-game and not be able to relate it to the one you did 2 years ago. The introduction of series would make this even better.
On a related note, why do you need to research sequels at all? Even Pac-man and Space Invaders had sequels one year after they were released.

I donā€™t know if this thread is completely dead, but here goes:
Some minor things that I think are missing from the current version:
The ability to:
a) see how long time is left before your staff needs vacation (absolutely crucial, and very unrealistic that you canā€™t) - alternatively, you could just make a certain month vacation every year (say, month 9).
b) send everyone on vacation at the same time, since you always have to do so anyway so you donā€™t ruin your scores, and itā€™s annoying to have to click on every single employee.
c) be able to see which engine you used, and which features were included in previous games, so you know what you need to implement to improve

So many bloody awesome ideas. I would buy the game twice for all of these.

  • Making websites for games
  • Making your operating systems
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They should also add multi-topic.

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Thanks for all the great ideas!

Oh my godā€¦ Iā€™d love that. And customize it and everythingā€¦ hmmā€¦ I might need a Website Tycoon or something. :stuck_out_tongue: @Charlie

Not sure if this is a dead topic, but heres my idea:
Once you research Project: Grid, you should need a hardware lab to make Grid, so you can then customize Grid with different colours, how much it would cost to put your game on Grid (IRL I think it is 70 pounds)
I would also like to see the ability of making OSes (Like Valve) and if you make it really successful, then Grapple and Mirconoft (I think thats what itā€™s called :P) will loose a lot of money and if you do this before mBox One/Next or the grPad/phone, then they will not be released/postponed as they donā€™t have enough funds.
Also, I want to see a longer story, or just more consoles (like the Game Boy updates or Atari consoles?
I also want the story to be changeable so if you release a successful game for a Ninvento console, Vena will have a hard time and there consoles will be postponed.
Thats all of my ideas :smiley:

You know, this is just where I thought about. I had this conversation with @DzjengisKhan on Skype yesterday:

LineLiar: Let me customize it
Dzjengiskahn: Indeed, there is so much stuff they can add to it
LineLiar: Let me contact other companies for getting their games on Grid
LineLiar: Let me start a Greenlight (hint hint)
LineLiar: Let me build up popularity
LineLiar: Let me set prices for the games getting released on Grid
LineLiar: Let me choose what games I want to publish on Grid
Dzjengiskahn: Hold sales
Dzjengiskahn: Make mod-tools
Dzjengiskahn: Workshop

Maybe some modder is experienced enough to do this? Although it seems very hardā€¦ :wink:

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option when you have alot of money:
donate to charity, to gain hype and fans.
Sponsor soccer/baseball matches, to gain hype and have a positive effect on sales because people know about your game.

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