How can I re-download game dev tycoon?

First I’m sorry that I’m not good at English because I’m Korean.

I was buy this thing. but I was format my computer one week ago.

I want to re-download this game but I was delete my mail.

And I don’t remember which e-mail address I was use when I order this thing

my e-mail address is

please check and reply me.

Just mention to them both emails used along with the other information used when ordering the game.

Thanks Jay!

@Woosub_Lim Hope that info helped you!

@Charlie your welcome again :wink:

I guess you live in a different timezone, so i can back you up when you are sleeping :smile:

I’m in Devon England! But on saturday morning a man went up my local comms pole and turned the wrong knob or something and shut down my phones and broadband. I was not a happy girl…
I did take the excuse to go out on the town and have a mini holiday tho :smiley:

Well i wouldnt consider Devon England a different timezone, Since i’m in the Netherlands

Luckily all our communication lines are below ground, so no one climbing any poles here lol

In England they are above and below ground so subject to all kinds of fools :angry:

But yay for bars who serve mojito’s and free wi-fi!

Thank you for reply me.

It is so good information to me.

Thank you.

Well i AM on the other side of the globe here. But i still have Junior High to attend to!
:stuck_out_tongue: Thanks Jay!