please stop talking like this…here in Brazil dolar is almost BRL 4,0
Polen has weaker economics and 1USD is about 3.2 PLN.
Foreign exchange rates aren’t just decided by the state of the economy, but there are many factors that influence exchange rates, such as interest rate, actions undergone by the central bank, etc. By your logic, Japan would have a terrible economy (as 1 USD equals 119.38 JPY), which isn’t true
Does Japaneese central bank just… inhale?
well atleast you don’t live in Brazil…where at the moment 1 USD = 3 BRL(at one moment it get 3.8 BRL)which in common it is about 2.1- 2.7…and Nintendo get out of Brazil…so…the things got really hard, PS4 was announced here by 4K BRL and the government has Dilma yet in presidence, and the Culture Ministry thinks that videogames aren’t culture or art form
It’s not about the consoles it’s about the iOS PS4 and Xbox one is both computers and whos winning the iOS win Microsoft why Couse Windows
Said no one ever
PS4 has higher framerate and its cheaper and is the preferred console for most games.
PC is the best console
except for my laptop
PC isn’t a console, it’s on a different level.
Right now they are the same price. I do prefer the PS4 though.