Hey everyone, I bought Game Dev. Tycoon a while back on steam and I had tons of fun playing it for a while, but then I stopped playing it because of school and such. I have just recently been wanting to play the game again but when I go to do anything ( ie. Develope a game, Pick a topic, Pick a genre) It gives the same error message
""Error Uncaught error. Please report this to support@greenheartgames.com: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘name’ of null (file:///D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Game%20Dev%20Tycoon/compressed/codeNw.js:818) Please restart the game.
My game is fully up to date and I currently have no mods installed (I did before though), has anyone had the same problem, or even if they know how to fix it could they send me a reply of sorts, thanks
Especially: If i want to deactivate a mod can i continue playing on my save game?
‘Most likely not. You will need to start a new game if you deactivate any mods.
Creating a backup of your save files before using mods will ensure that they are not permanently corrupted’
I have the same problem. I played the game for a while, found some mods, downloaded them, and started playing again. After that I haven’t been playing for some months, until recently (shortly after the workshop update). However, my game couldn’t even start anymore. With or without mods (workshop or download doesn’t matter either), everytime I load up a save or start a new game, I get the error:
Error Uncaught error. Please report this to support@greenheartgames.com: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘id’ of null (file:///C:/Program%20Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Game%20Dev%20Tycoon/compressed/codeNw.js:1706) Please restart the game.
I tried re-installing the game, didn’t help. I tried removing my saves, didn’t work because i don’t know where the saves are stored (I suck).
This error usually happens when you try loading a game. Note that clicking Continue on the splash screen also tries to resume your last game so you could see the error then. I suggest that you press ESC as soon as you see the splash screen and start a new game from there.
Unfortunately we cannot help with saves where mods were active, even if they are not active anymore.