[bug] Can't select any new mods!

Error A mod cause an error: Error: Duplicate value for id found: c7ab5539-5034-4077-a24f-c5055f6e5922 Enabled Mods: [“gdt-modAPI”,“UltimateLib”,“webiste"da9a2fo8-0645-4804-b5fb-35e66f5216a”]

And another error: property not set on object: pointsCost

The error with the pointsCost is gone by disabling the Website mod, which seems to me like the cost of it was bugged out so it would practially be free, and the More Vena might be causing the other one, I’ll wait and see.

Now I can’t even select any consoles and it gives me another error: cannot read property ‘isCustom’ of null

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Can you give us a full list of all your mods

I ended up deleting them all.


It happens to me (the isCustom thing) when I disable mods.

Hey guys,

Don’t forget to check out the official mod faq and list;

Once you have used mods on a save game, the chances are that your save game has become irrevocably changed. Therefore we would never advise removing mods and continuing on the same save game. To start a new game, as soon as the game hits the ‘click to continue’ screen press the ‘escape’ key and select ‘new’ from the menu.
Be sure to not have any mods activated if you want to maintain the integrity of your new game.

@KizzaGaming @MrRain Many thanks for all the help you guys offered in this thread! :cake:


Thanks @Charlie :cake: