[ANNOUNCEMENT] GDT Reborner mod!

Hey, everyone! I come to announce that I am currently working on a new mod, the GDT Reborner!

The release of the first version is planned for 10/08/2017
EDIT: Reported to 01/10/2017, sorry :confused:

I hope you are going to like it,

What is the mod? What does it do?

It will add research, consoles, events, ect…

Any news? It’s not much time left for the release date. :smiley:

Yeah, I’m little busy this time but I still work on it :grinning:

Hello there :V

Interesting! I’ve been hesitant to use new mods as of late due to the incompatibilities and how old some mods are. Hope this one works out well, need some additions to my game.

@PLASMA Release the GDT Reborner >:V

4 days left.

@Visual917 what? but it’s October 6

EDIT: Reported to 01/10/2017

It’s tomorrow.

it’s 09/10/2017…


Is Day/Month/Year

It seems what your using is day-month-year
She is prob. Using m-d-y. Like us americans do use.

@anon20832479 and @Visual917 … Ok… im gonna use m/d/y.
is 01/10/2017 (release date) and 01 is January… And now is October… (10/10/2017)…

So it never released?

Here lies to use-
Alright ill stop.

@anon20832479 soooo… you understand me?

First of all I’m a boy. Second, I’m using D/M/Y
is it October 2017 or what?


If you use D/M/Y the release date will be 10/01/2017

if you use M/D/Y the release date will be 01/10/2017


If the release date is writed in D/M/Y is the first day of October, 2017

If the " date is writed in M/D/Y is the tenth day of January, 2017

did you understand? @Visual917


Okay, I’m (finally) back, sorry for the delay :sweat_smile: I was so many busy but now it’s holidays !
And also it’s D/M/Y because i’m french, so it was 10 October 2017

Well here the topic : [OLD] GDT Reborner Mod 1.0 Alpha