A few... genre/topic disputes I would like to air

While I find little general fault with the genre/topic combinations, there are a few I’d like to complain about. More specifically, a few omissions I should like to complain about. (And I will support my complaints with specific, reasonably well-known examples of why these omissions should be amended.)

First, Time Travel can only be Adventure games? I beg to differ, since, to my knowledge, the best known, most highly beloved Time Travel game of all, well, time is Chrono Trigger; an RPG so successful it sold well on three separate platforms. (AND was greatly pirated on the first two platforms due to an inappropriately geographically limited release, I might add - the DS version was the first I was even able to purchase at all.) Additionally, I believe Achron has seen some success, as a Strategy game where time travel isn’t just a theme, it’s a core mechanic of the game. But that one’s a bit more obscure.

Second, Horror can only be Action games? I believe Infogrames, with the Alone in the Dark series and Shadow of the Comet and its sequel, Prisoner of Ice might beg to differ. Not to mention Trilobyte’s The 7th Guest, or the Silent Hill series. (Well, the early ones, at least.) I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream also qualifies; a quite creepy adventure that even sports the author in the voice cast.

As an aside, I would like to see multi-topic as an addition, next to multi-genre. (Military/Horror Action-Strategy? Oh my goodness, the possibilities!) Though I am quite aware that the number of possible permutations might… strain the engine a bit with that.

Another nitpick I have is… All games, all multi-genre combinations need high emphasis on graphics. This seems… a little odd; while I’ll agree graphics in general are important to a game, it seems to me there are a great number of games that quite successfully get away with, ah, more of an “average” emphasis on graphics rather than focus on that aspect of the game.


This belongs in here.
It is the thread of ideas and suggestions

…Derp. Must’ve missed that thread when I skimmed the forum. In my defense, the forum is kind of… haphazardly organized.

Don’t hesitate to use the Category view and the search :slight_smile:

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